Chapter 1 - MMW

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  • Mathematics
    • Helps nurture critical thinking, proactiveness, and abstract reasoning
  • Mathematics
    The study of the relationships among numbers, quantities and shapes
  • Mathematics includes
    • arithmetic
    • trigonometry
    • statistics
    • algebra
    • geometry
    • calculus
  • Mathematics provides opportunities to solve both simple and complex problems using a variety of strategies
  • Mathematics is a universal way to make sense of the world
  • Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world
  • Patterns
    Visible regularities found in the natural world
  • Patterns persist in different contexts and can be modeled mathematically
  • Natural patterns may consist of
    • spirals
    • symmetries
    • mosaics
    • stripes
    • spots
  • Plato, Pythagoras, Empedocles and other Greek Philosophers studied patterns to explain the order in nature which led to the modern understanding of visible patterns
  • Joseph Plateau
    Belgian physicist, one of the first people to demonstrate the illusion of a moving image, examined soap films leading him to formulate the concept of minimal space
  • Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel
    Painted hundreds of marine organisms to emphasize their symmetry
  • D'Arcy Thompson
    Scottish pioneer who studied growth patterns in both plants and animals, showing that simple equations could explain spiral growth
  • Alan Turing
    British mathematician and logician, who predicted mechanisms of morphogenesis which give rise to patterns of spots and stripes
  • Aristid Lindenmayer
    Hungarian biologist who showed how mathematics of fractals could create plant growth patterns
  • Benoit B. Mandelbrot
    Polish-born, French and American mathematician and polymath, referred to himself as a "fractalist" and is recognized for his contribution to the field of fractal geometry
  • W. Gary Smith
    One of North America's leading landscape designers, adopts 8 patterns in his landscape work: scattered, fractured, mosaic, naturalistic drift, serpentine, spiral, radial, and dendritic
  • Because of its numerous application, mathemathics became Indespensible
  • Without strong math skills, people tend to invest, save, and spend money based on their emotions.
  • the essence of mathematics lies in its beauty and its intellectual challenge.
  • Shakuntala Devi 

    Without  mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers. 
  • Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
  • Leonardo Pisano Bigollo
    Italian mathematician and number theorist; developed Fibonacci Numbers and the Fibonacci Sequence
  • Fibonacci
     Son of Bonacci
  • Fibonacci Day
      November 23
  • Fibonacci Flowers
    flowers with number of petals that corresponds with the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence
  • Fibonacci Sequence
    A number sequence developed by adding two preceding numbers
  • The Golden Ratio
    is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.
  •  Φ
    The Greek letter “phi “ which is approximately equal to 1.618034
  • Golden Spiral
     is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is equal to phi
  • The mathematics behind symmetry seems to permeate in most of the things around us.
  • The mathematics of the pendulum  is quite complicated but harmonic.
  • Plane of Mirror
    This regularity in size and distance can be explained mathematically by the law of reflection. 
  • free falling object
    is an object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity.
  • Newton’s Third Law of Motion
    For every action, there is always an equal opposite reaction
  • Language
    • The system of words, signs, and symbols which people use to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings. 
  • Natural Language
    Language that we use everyday to communicate with others (Filipino/English).
  • Sentence
     group of words that has complete thought or idea
  • Mathemathical Language
    The system used to communicate mathematical ideas
  • Mathemathical Nouns
    • Numbers 
    • Measurements
    • Shapes
    • Spaces
    • Functions
    • Patterns 
    • Data 
    • Arrangements