
Cards (8)

  • what is vital capacity?
    the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled from the lungs in one breath
  • what is tidal volume?
    the volume of air that moves into and out of the lungs with each resting breath
    the volume of air in each breath at rest
  • what is residual volume?
    the volume of air that is left in your lungs when you have exhaled as hard as possible
    cannot be measured directly
  • what is total lung capacity?
    the sum of the vital capacity and residual volume
  • what is ventilation rate and how can you calculate it?
    the total volume of air inhaled in one minute
    ventilation rate= tidal volume x breathing rate per min
  • how do you calculate breathing rate from a spirometer graph?
    counting how many full peaks and troughs there are
  • oxygen uptake will increase when the ventilation rate increases
    e.g during exercise
  • why do many athletes have bradychardia?

    as they are so fit that there cardiac muscle can contract harder and thus fewer contractions are required