'creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness'
personification of socialist ideology
'a chain of events'
'we have to share something'
'better to ask for the world than take it'
social responsibility
'it's too late, she's dead'
social responsibility
'each of you helped to kill her, remember that. never forget it'
through the inspectors behaviour, priestley shows masculinity does not depend on violence or intimidation. he is intelligent, compassionate and patient - opposite of toxic masculinity takes over foreshadowshopes for more progressive future.
wealth + materialism
'she wanted 25 shillings a week instead of 22. you made her pay a heavyprice for that'
'you used the power you had ... to punish the girl'
'he knows'
'burnt her insides out'
'they will be taught in fire, blood and anguish'
'we are members ofone body'
'i dont play golf'
'but there are millions and millions and millions of eva smiths and john smithsleft with us'