eva smith/daisy renton

Cards (9)

  • victim of prejudices and individualistic attitudes of capitalist society
  • depicts the collective suffering of the lower class at the hands of the upper class, arguing the need for social refom
  • "very pretty" "hating life"
  • parallel to sheila
  • no voice or presence, powerless, demonstrates need for welfare sate
  • shows fatal impact of careless individualism and capitalist attitudes
    EVA - eve from bible (representation of humanity)
    SMITH - common surname (universal story for commoners), blacksmith (class is fixed part of identity)
    change the direction of life to survive society
    RENT - euphemism for prostitution
  • suicide
    • needed to be purified (eric/gerald left her unclean and violated)
    • awaken privlidged upper class to suffering of working class