Cards (21)

  • The two parts of the nervous system are the Central Nervous System (made up of the brain and spine) and the Peripheral Nervous System.
  • A neurone is a long cell that carries electrical signals.
  • In between two neurones there is a synapse which carries the signal chemically to the next neurone where the electrical impulse continues.
  • The receptor detects changes in our environment.
  • An effector then responds in a suitable way.
  • Sense organs contain special cells called receptor cells.
  • Those special cells detect the stimuli.
  • Sense organs and what stimuli they detect:
    Ears - sound
    Eyes - Light
    Skin - Temperature, pressure & pain
    Nose - chemicals in the air.
    Tongue - chemicals in your mouth ( food + drink)
  • The effectors are the muscles and glands.
  • A reflex action is a quick reaction that does not require a signal to the brain.
  • The 3 features of a reflex action:
  • The reason why reflex actions are much faster than a normal reaction is because a message does not have to be sent to the brain.
  • The nerve pathway that follows a reflex action called a reflex arc.
  • 7 Components of a reflex arc:
    Sensory Neurone
    Relay Neurone
    Motor Neurone
    (between the neurones there are synapses)
  • A with drawl action is moving body part away from stimuli.
  • The blinking reflex protects us from the environment. (dust in the air)
  • The hole in the eye that allows light into the eye is called the pupil.
  • The coloured part of the eye is called the iris.
  • When we are in the presence of bright light the pupil will constrict to protect your eye.
  • When we are in the presence of dim light our pupil will dilate to allow us to see.
  • The coordinator in the body is the CNS (brain + spinal cord).