TNCT week 13-14

Cards (20)

  • Actor
    You and me and everyone who are having interactions with
  • Connection
    Tie that binds actors to each other
  • Dyad
    Connection of two actors
  • Triad
    There are three actors involved in a connection
  • Relationship
    Collection of ties among the actors in a group, represents the multiple ties or links between two or more people
  • Networks
    Set of units like nerves, species, individuals, institutions or states
  • Brain
    Comparable thing to one of the vital part of our body, an organ composed of nerve cells, also called as neurons, the center of the system
  • Neurons
    Cells within the nervous system that transmit information to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells
  • Neural network
    Massively parallel distributed processor made up of simple processing units, also called as Artificial Neural Network
  • Layers of units in a neural network
    • Input layer
    • Hidden layer
    • Output layer
  • Input layer
    Connected to a layer of hidden unit, represents the raw information that is fed into the network
  • Hidden layer

    Connected to a layer of outputs units, depends on the activities of input unit the weights on the connection between the input and the hidden units
  • Output layer
    Response of the output units is determined by the activity of the hidden units and the weights between the hidden and output units
  • The brain is composed of 80 to 100 Billion neurons or nerve cells
  • Clusters of neurons
    Referred as "biological neural network"
  • Social Network concept
    Views these social relations in terms of connections called ties and interact as nodes
  • Social network
    Consist up of individual person that interact within a social group
  • social network
    network members that are connected by one or more types of relations.
  • Neural networks
    considered as a massive parallel distributed processor made up of simple processing units.
  • Relationship
    represents the multiple ties or links between two or more people.