Regulating temperature

Cards (8)

  • Too hot
    1. Hairs lie flat.
    2. Sweating- A layer of liquid sweat made by sweat glands, carried up by sweat ducts and released by sweat pores onto the skin and evaporates removing heat energy.
    3. Vasodilation - Blood vessels in the skin widen so more heat from the blood is lost to the environment.
  • Too cold
    1. Hairs stand on end to trap a layer of insulating air over skin reducing heat loss
    2. Shivering- Involuntary contraction of the muscles increases respiration and the release of heat energy.
    3. Vasoconstriction- Blood vessels in the skin get narrower so less heat is lost from the blood to the environment.
  • Diagram of arm
    A) (Hair) Erector muscle
    B) Hair
    C) Sweat Pore
    D) Sweat Duct
    E) Sweat Gland
    F) Blood Capillaries
  • Why is it important to control temperature?
    Body's temperature must remain at 37℃ and this is optimum temperature for enzymes to work best at
  • The hypothalamus in the brain monitors changes in the blood's temperature (thermoregulatory centre) and the skin helps control these changes
  • The control of body temperature is an example of negative feedback.
  • Temperature increases above 37°C

    Vasodilation: Dilation of blood vessels near
  • Temperature decreases below 37°C

    Vasoconstriction: Constriction of blood vessels