Sweating- A layer of liquidsweat made by sweat glands, carried up by sweat ducts and released by sweat pores onto the skin and evaporatesremovingheatenergy.
Vasodilation - Blood vessels in the skinwiden so moreheat from the blood is lost to the environment.
Too cold
Hairsstand on end to trap a layer of insulatingair over skin reducingheat loss
Shivering-Involuntarycontraction of the musclesincreasesrespiration and the release of heatenergy.
Vasoconstriction-Blood vessels in the skin get narrower so lessheat is lost from the blood to the environment.
Diagram of arm
A) (Hair) Erector muscle
B) Hair
C) Sweat Pore
D) Sweat Duct
E) Sweat Gland
F) Blood Capillaries
Why is it important to control temperature?
Body's temperature must remain at 37℃ and this is optimum temperature for enzymes to work best at
The hypothalamus in the brain monitors changes in the blood'stemperature (thermoregulatorycentre) and the skin helps control these changes
The control of body temperature is an example of negative feedback.