Bonding, structure & properties of matters

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  • ionic bonding the particles are oppositely charged ions
  • covalent bonding the particles are atoms in which share pairs of electrons
  • metallic bonding particles are atoms in which share the delocalised electrons
  • ionic bonding - occurs in compounds formed from metals combined with nonmetals
  • covalent bonding - occurs in most nonmetals elements & non-metal compounds
  • metallic bonding - occurs in metallic elements & alloys
  • When a metal atom reacts with a non-metal atom electrons in the atom of the metal are transferred to the non-metal
  • Metal atom loses electrons to become positively charged ions
  • Nonmetals atoms gain electrons to become negatively charged ions
  • Ionic compounds our house together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between opposite charged irons
  • an ionic compound is a giant structure of irons
  • limitations of using dot & crosses to represent a giant ionic structure
    • dot & crosses only show a few atoms when they actually form a giant ionic lattice which contains a large number of atoms
  • limitations of using ball & stick to represent a giant ionic structure
    • ball & stick the ions are not joined by sticks / physical bonds and has gaps
  • limitations of using two dimensional diagrams to represent a giant ionic structure
    • giant ionic lattice are 3D so the 2D diagrams only showes one layer of it
  • limitations of using three dimensional diagrams to represent a giant ionic structure
    • three dimensional diagrams may not be able to show all the ions in a large structure
    • it is difficult to draw and does not show electrons
  • covalent bonding can be represented in small molecules, polymers, giant covalent structures or using a line to represent a single bond
  • limitations of using dot & crosses to represent molecules or giant covalent structures
    • dot & crosses come easily be used to show the bonding in simple molecules but not giant covalent structures as there are too many atoms
  • limitations of using balls & sticks to represent molecules or giant covalent structures
    • ball & sticks - in covalent structures the atoms at the edge haven’t got the correct number of bonds
  • limitations of using two dimensional diagrams to represent molecules or giant covalent structures
    • two dimensional diagrams don’t show the shape of the molecule
  • limitations of using three dimensional diagrams to represent molecules or giant covalent structures
    • three dimensional diagrams often only show a small portion of the giant covalent structure
  • metallic bonding - the electrons in the outer shell of metal atoms are delocalised & so free to move through the whole structure
  • why alloys are harder than pure metals
    • the atoms In alloys are different sizes
    • which means the layers of atoms are distorted
    • therefore layers slide over each other less easily
  • Metals are good conductors of electricity because the dealer electrons in the metal carry electrical charge through the metal
  • Metlas are good conductors of thermal energy because energy is transferred by the delocalised electrons
  • properties of ionic bonding
    • high boiling & melting point because of the large amount of energy needed to break the many strong bonds
  • alloy - a mixture of metals
  • The amount of energy needed to change state from solid to liquid & liquid to gas depends on the strength of the forces between the particles
  • limitation of the particle theory in relation to changes of state from solid to liquid
    In the model, there are no forces, that all the particles are represented as spheres & the spheres are solids
  • The stronger the forces between particles, the higher the boiling & melting point of the substance
  • aq- dissolved in water
  • Small molecules are usually gases or liquids that have low boiling & melting point
  • these intermolecule substances do not conduct electricity because the molecules do not have an overall electric charge
  • Why intermolecular forces are weak compared with covalent bonds
    • intermolecular forces are weaker as they are smaller in size & have lower boiling & melting points
    • covalent bonds are bigger in size and very strong
  • properties of diamond
    • very hard
    • high melting point
    • does not conduct electricity contains 4 hexagons of carbon
  • limitations of using three - dimensional diagrams to represent giant ionic compounds
    • May not be able to share all the ions in a large structure
    • can be difficult & time consuming to draw
    • dont show all electrons
  • solid, liquid & gas
    • the amount of energy needed to change state from solid to liquid & from liquid to gas depends on the strength of the forces between the particles
    • the stronger the forces between the particles the higher the boiling & melting point of a substance
  • limitations of simple model in three states of matter matter
    • limitations of the simple models is that in the model there are not forces, that all particles are represented as spheres & tha the spheres are solid
  • predicting the state of a substance
    • below the melting point a substance is solid
    • above the boiling point its a gas
    • between the two points, its a liquid
  • properties of graphite
    • layered structures of hexagonal rings
    • good conductor of heat & electricity due to its delocalised electrons, so is used in electronics & composite materials
  • properties of fullereness
    • molecules with hollow shapes such as spheres or tubes
    • rings of carbon atoms
    • good conductors of heat electricity as has delocalosed electrons