Cards (18)

  • Chromosomes
    Structures located in the nucleus of a cell that play a big role in cell division, as some of their parts divide to generate new cells that make up a species
  • In humans, a fertilized egg cell called zygote contains a total of 46 chromosomes, 23 of which come from the mother and the other 23 from the father
  • Karyotype
    The complete number and appearance of chromosomes in human beings
  • Karyotype diagram

    • Shows the total number of chromosomes of a single person and the distinguishing factor between the chromosomal structure of males and females
  • Autosomes
    The first 22 chromosome pairs in the nucleus that are identical for all humans
  • Sex chromosomes
    The 23rd pair of chromosomes, also known as the X and Y chromosomes, that determine whether a person is biologically male or female
  • Ploidy
    The number of chromosome sets that an organism or a species contains
  • Haploid
    A single set of 23 chromosomes
  • Diploid
    A chromosome set that doubles to 46 chromosomes when sex cells combine to form a zygote
  • Polyploidy
    A ploidy that exceeds 2N, such as 3N, 4N, etc.
  • Chromatid
    A single strand of a replicated chromosome, often divided into an upper (p arm) and lower (q arm) section
  • Centromere
    The middle region of the chromosome where the two chromatids meet
  • Kinetochore
    The part contained within the centromere, holding the spindle fibers that extend during a cell division
  • Telomeres
    The caps at the two ends of the chromosomes, containing a repetitive DNA sequence that is believed to carry the telomerase, an enzyme that influences the aging process of an individual
  • Locus (pl.: loci)

    A specific section along the chromatids in which a particular gene is located
  • Gene
    The basic unit of heredity, made up of DNA sequences that often serve as "instructions" for the production of protein molecules
  • Each of the 46 chromosomes in humans carry thousands of genetic information, and each human being is said to have about 20 000 to 25 000 genes in total
  • Alleles
    Identical pairs of genes that account for the similarity or difference of characteristics that offsprings inherit from their parents