Film Form TIE

Cards (9)

  • What are elements of the visual style in TIA?
    Achieved using handheld camerwork
    Archival footage in montage of the pop, politics, clothes, car and sport of 1980s
    Shooting on location - in the midlands / the north
    Working class neighbourhood - social housing / large estates
    Use of ECU for emotional intensity - car scene with combo and shaun, combo speech
  • Mis En Scene
    The use of the english flag acts as a motif to illustrate shauns level of engagement with nationalism throughout the narrative.
    It ends with him accepting the skinhead identity but throwing away the racist nationalist / skin head ideologies
  • Mis En Scene: Costume
    Skinhead costume acts as their identification with british wc culture
  • Mis en Scene: Setting
    Shot on location of council housing, showcasing life in the midland 80s in poverty
  • Mis en Scene: Graffiti
    Used to illustrate the political views of people in the neighbourhood, 'maggie is a twat'
    Shows shauns lack of understanding of the racism as he spray paints his name.
    The lack of education of the gang shown through their mispelling of 'national' as 'nashnil.'
  • Editing: Montage
    The opening offers fairly wide ranging social and political context
    The ending montage focuses on the Falklands conflict invites the spectator to draw ideological parallels between the Falklands war and Shauns life.
    The use of long takes in the final scene invites the spectator to consider Shauns emotions and thought process.
  • Sound
    Non-diegetic: popular music used from different era conveys the racial inclusivity of SKA and the early skinhead movement.
    As well as pop-culture of 1983
    Diegetic sound: repeated use of archival radio broadcasts featuring MT discussing Falklands conflict keep the parallels between war + shauns life in spectators mind.
    Convey the UK focus on conflict in 1983
    MT = villain
  • Cinematography
    P.O.V shots from Milkys perspective in assult scene align audience with him, creating greater emotional impact and horror.
    Handheld camera throughout contributes to the authentic tone of the social realist film
    CU's suggest growing intimact, force action onto the audience, showcase emotions
  • Performance
    Combo = threatening
    Shaun = innocent, youthful sadness turning into glee and then induced racism + violence
    Woody = comforting