
Cards (11)

  • ozymandias (romantic percy shelley)
    • sonnet / caesura / enjambement
    • 'my name is ozymandias king of kings: look on my works, ye mighty and despair nothing besides me remains'
    • 'wrinkled lip; and sneer of cold command'
  • london (romantic william blake)
    • abab rhyme scheme
    • 'each chartered street near where the chartered thames does flow'
    • 'blood down palace walls'
    • 'marriage hearse'
  • the prelude (romantic william wordsworth)
    • enjambement / caesura / phallic
    • 'i unloosed her chain and stepping pushed'
    • 'she was an elfin pinnace: lustily i dipped my oars into the silent lake' {small, delicate boat}
    • 'no pleasant images of trees'
  • my last duchess (robert browning)
    • iambic pentameter / rhyming couplets / dramatic monologue
    • 'i gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. there she stands as if alive'
    • 'notice neptune, though, taming a sea horse'
  • the charge of the light brigade (poet laurete tennyson)
    • rhythmic chorus
    • 'cannon to right of them cannon to the left of them cannon behind/in front them'
    • 'into the valley of death rose the six hundred'
  • exposure (fan of the romantics wilfred owen)
    • regulated structure with enjambement / pararhyme / cyclical
    • 'like twitching agonies of men among its brambles'
    • 'this frost will fasten on this mud and us'
    • 'but nothing happens'
  • storm on the island (seamus heaney)
    • caesura / enjambement
    • 'we are prepared'
    • 'you might think that the sea is company, exploding comfortably'
    • 'turned savage'
  • bayonet charge (poet laureate ted hughes)
    • in media res / free verse / caesura
    • 'yellow hare that rolled like a flame'
    • 'and his foot hung like statuary in mid stride'
    • 'bullets smacking the belly out of the air'
  • remains (simon armitage)
    • in media res / colloquial / enjambement
    • 'his bloody life in my bloody hands'
    • 'dead in some distant sun stunned sand smothered land or six feet under in dessert sand'
    • 'tosses his guts back into his body'
  • poppies (jane weir)
    • semantic field for textiles / direct address / enjambement
    • 'before you left [...] crimped petals, spasms of paper red'
    • 'all my words, flattened, rolled, turned into felt'
    • 'released a song bird from its cage'
  • war photographer (carol ann duffy)
    • rhyming couplets / caesura / enjambement
    • 'his editor will pick out five or six for sunday's supplement'
    • 'spools of suffering [...] the only light is red and softly glows'
    • 'features faintly start to twist before his eyes, a half formed ghost'