harlow monkey

Cards (8)

  • harlow research ↓
    - one of the most important animal research into understanding attachment
    - worked with rhesus monkeys which were much more similar to humans than lorenz birds
  • mportance of contact comfort : procedure ↓
    - Harlow (1958) it's an idea that soft objects serve some of the functions of a mother
    - he read 16 baby monkeys with two wire surrogate/ model mothers
    - one condition: milk was given by the plain wire mother
    - second condition; milk was given from the cloth covered mother
  • - importance of contact comfort : findings ↓
    - regardless of which mother (cloth or wire) was giving out milk
    - the baby monkeys cuddled to the cloth wired mother in preference to the plain wired mother
    - they went to the cloth wired mother for comfort when they were frightened e.g noise
    - Shows that contact comfort was more important to monkeys than food when it came to attachment behavior
  • maternally deprived monkeys as adults (1/2)↓
    • harlow and Co also followed the monkeys who had been deprived from a real mother into adulthood to see if early maternal deprivation had a permanent effect
    • the researchers found monkeys reared only from the plain wired mothers where the most dysfunctional
    • those weird with a cloth covered mother didn't develop normal social behaviour
  • maternally deprived monkeys as adults (2/2)↓
    • These deprived monkeys were more aggressive, less sociable and often bred less often than typical monkeys – as they were less skilled at mating
    • When deprived monkeys became mothers, they neglected their young and attacked their children.
  • the critical period for normal development ↓
    - so he conducted that there was a critical period for attachment formation
    - a mother figure had to be introduced to a young monkey within 90 days for an attachment to form
    - after this attachment was impossible - damage done by early deprivation became irreversible
  • ao3 real world value ↓
    - help social workers and clinical psychologists understand the lack of bonding experience may be risk factor in the child development- allows them to help prevent poor outcomes (Howe 1998)
    - now who understand the importance of attachment figures for baby monkeys in zoos and breeding programs in the wild
    - ... means that the value of harlow's research is practical as well as theoretical
  • - ao3 cant generalise findings from monkeys to humans ↓
    - rhesus monkeys are more similar to humans than birds and mammals share some common attachment behaviours
    - the human brain and human behaviour is more complex than monkeys