Boers (whitedutchsettlers) felt anger toward Britain, they did nothing to help when farmlands were attacked by localtribes and didn't like the ban on slavery. Also had Bantu that were Zulu and Xhosa tribes
also wanted to be selfgoverning and independent
what was discovered in 1867?
diamonds were discovered near the Boer zone/OrangefreeState that UK want access to and expand to the North by taking WestGrinqueland in 1871 and Basutoland in 1868.
when did Boers sought for protection?
1877, outcome was being annexed.Zulus tried to attack Boers due to weakness so Zulus could takecontrol but outcome was that the Transvaal was annexed to keep the Zulus out, managing to get control of them in 1879.
Boers seeked independence again and defeated British in war 1881 due to better organisation of army
Gold discovered in transvaal in 1886 by Cecil Rhodes (Rand produced 1/4 of worlds gold supply which UK found important due to Goldstandard)
what did Kaiser Willhelm do?
congratulated Boers on independence but this didn't help anglo-german relations, Britain feared German-Boerrelations.
troops bordered up by Transvaal, Boers sent ultimatum that UK denied
early stages of Boer war?
yet again UK was unprepared
what political stances were there in Boer war?
British took liberal approach, boers took Calvinist approach (strong nationalist sentiment)
Rhodes was hostile toward a Boer politician Kruger as he tried to instigate Uitlander uprising, Kruger doubled down on Uitlanderrepression and UK invaded Africa due to Uitlanders needing freedom
even Milner (UK representative in South Africa) stated there’s no room for 2 conflicting social and political systems
how did the Boer was weaken Britain?
costed £230 million when Britain only expected £10 million
22,000 British soldiers died compared to 6,000 Boers
wider publiccriticism (Emily Hobhouse reports from concentration camps drew sharpcriticism of Government from press)
control of OrangeFreeState and Transvaal wasn't longterm, by 1914 all land under Britishcontrol in SouthAfrica had some sort of self-governance
Treaty of Vereeniging (1902) Britain agreed to pay £3 million compensation to Boers
how did the Boer war strengthen Britain?
brung out reforms (free schoolmeals1906,unemployment insurance 1911) also nationalefficiency increased meaning creation of first Old age Pension, giving more ecosecurity.
RoyalNavy modernised (encouraged Britain to be more realistic about strength of copetitors)
Indian troops helped, potentially stronger ally?
short term had directcontrol of Transvaal and Orangefreestate.