A specialized cell in the body that transmits information electrochemically
Types of neurons
Sensory neuron
Relay neuron
Motor neuron
Sensory neuron
Detects information (e.g. pressure or heat) and passes it through the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system
Relay neuron
Detects information from the sensory neuron and can pass information to the central nervous system for processing, and can also pass information to motor neurons
Motor neuron
Detects information from relay neurons and carries information to the muscle, making it contract or relax
Reflex arc
The collection of neurons that allows reflex actions, where the body moves quickly in response to possible danger
Parts of a neuron
Cell body
The extensions of neurons that attach signals sent from other neurons
Cell body
Contains the genetic information of the nerve cell and controls the cell's functions
A long extension of the nerve cell that allows it to pass messages on to other nerve cells
Myelin sheath
Insulation that covers the axon, making the electrical signal or nerve impulse travel faster
Sense receptors
Specialized dendrites that detect external stimuli like heat, taste, or light
Motor end plates
Attachments at the end of motor neurons that connect them to muscle fibers, used to activate muscles
The structure where a presynaptic neuron converts an electrical signal into a chemical signal that is detected by a postsynaptic neuron
Synaptic transmission
1. Presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters
2. Neurotransmitters detected by receptors on postsynaptic neuron
3. Neurotransmitters taken back into presynaptic cell by transport proteins
Chemical molecules released by neurons that are detected at receptor sites
Excitatory neurotransmitters
Make the postsynaptic cell more likely to fire
Inhibitory neurotransmitters
Make the postsynaptic cell less likely to fire
The interaction between excitatory and inhibitory processes that determines whether the postsynaptic cell will fire
Hebb's theory of learning and neural growth
The idea that when we learn, our brain physically changes by creating new neural pathways
The brain's ability to physically change in response to experience
Cell assemblies
Groups of neurons that fire together when we learn new things
The more neural pathways are used, the stronger and more efficient they become
Improvements in performance
Are due to increased effort, as supported by Hebb's ideas about neural pathways becoming more efficient with use
There is biological evidence of neurons growing new connections when electrically stimulated
Effective learning is a complex problem that can't be fully explained just by the growth of new synaptic connections