energy levels which are further from the nucleus are at a higher energy than those which are closer to the nucleus
isotopes are atoms of the same elements with different number of neutrons
1897: scientists discovered that atoms contain tiny negative particles called electrons - this showed that atoms are not spheres that can be divided
radioactive decay - the process of isotopes with unstable nucleus’ giving out radiation to become stable
radioactive decay is a random process
activity - rate at which source of unstable nuclei decays
activity is measured in becquerels (1 becquerel = 1 decay per second)
if an atom absorbs electromagnetic radiation an electron can move from a lower energy level to a higher energy level so the atom can now emit electromagnetic radiation and the electron returns back to the lower energy levels
plumpudding model - an atomic ball of positivecharge with negativeelectronsembedded in it
to measure the activity of a radioactive source we can use a Geiger muller tube
count rate - number of decays recorded each second by a detector
niels bohr
electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances
bohrs work agreed with the results of experiments by other scientists
we now call the orbits energy levels/shells
alpha scattering experiment results
most of the alpha particles went straight through the foil - therefore atoms are mainly emptyspace
some alpha particles were deflected - therefore the centre of an atom must have a positvecharge that repelled the alpha particles
some alpha particles bounced straight back - therefore the mass of the atom must be concentrated in the centre (nucleus)
james chadwick discovere that the nucleus contains neutrons which have no charge
precautions with radiation
gloves can stop alpha, lead aprons can stop gamma and beta radiation
alpha particles
same as a helium nucleus
2 protons and 2 neutrons
beta particles
when a neutron changes into a proton and ekectron
this electron is ejected from the nucleus where it is formed at very high speed
gamma radiation
type of electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus
range in air
alpha particles are very large so can travel around 5 cm in air before they collide with air particles and stop
beta particles can travel further, they reach around 15 cm before stopping
gamma radiation travels several metres in air before stopping
penetrating power
alpha particles are stopped by a single sheet of paper
beta particles are stopped by a few mm of aluminium
gamma radiation can be stopped by several cms of lead
ionising power - when radiation collided with atoms causing atoms to lose electrons and form ions
alpha particles are very strongly ionising
beta particles are quite strongly ionising
gamma radiation is weakly ionising
alpha decay
atomic number decreases by 2
mass number decreases by 4
beta particle
atomic number increases decreases by 2
mass number stays the same
ionising radiation can increase the risk for cancer in humans
half life of a radioactive isotope is the time it takes for the number of nuclei of the isotope in a sample in halve
half life is also the time it takes for the count-rate from a sample contains the isotope half its initial level
irradiation - exposing an object to nuclear radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, or neutrons)
in irradiation the object does not become reactive after being irradiated (comes in contact with radiation not radioactive isotope)
radioactive contamination - when unwanted radioactive isotopes end up another other materials, this is hazardous as the radioactive atoms decay and emit ionising radiation