do this manhunt

Cards (6)

  • "after passionate nights and intimate days"

    Everything was perfect just like how it was before he left, but it gets worse after a while. He tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, but he was tired and couldn't pretend anymore. He didn't want to worry her, and it also suggests the couple is reconnecting.
  • "only then would he let me trace the frozen river which ran through his face"

    He needed time to allow her to trace his scars. He may view them as flaws and be insecure about them. She had to gain his trust. "Frozen river" compares his scar to something that happens naturally, showing that his scar isn't an abnormality but something beautiful like nature. The verb "trace" shows that the wife is caring and helping him regain strength.
  • "damaged, porcelain collar bone"

    Portrays the image of the soldier's damaged body, emphasizing how fragile he is. Shows the physical effects of the war on a human and how brutal it is, because his body is compared to broken objects. Suggests that the war dehumanises people.
  • "feel the hurt of his grazed heart"

    He had to have some time before letting her touch him and had to build the courage to tell her how he actually feels. The verb "grazed" shows that the bullet only missed by a few millimetres, however, it could also show the emotional scar on his heart.
  • " the foetus of metal beneath his chest where the bullet has come to rest"

    The noun "foetus" represents a baby, which usually brings joy, happiness and a new beginning and life. However, for them, it has caused heartbreak, sadness and grief. It also shows that getting hurt was a life-changing event, just like having a child. They will never be able to go back to how it was before.
  • "Then, and only then, did I come close"

    Shows that the wife didn't give up on him. Contrasts the wedding vows "in sickness and in health". "Only then" shows the soldier's recovery had taken a lot of time and patience. He has finally let her in and told her how he truly feels. He has come to terms with having PTSD, as at the start of the poem, he tried to ignore and hide it.