What are important processes that happen in the river system?
Erosion, transportation, deposition.
What is found in the upper-coarse of the river?
A waterfall and gorge
What is found in the middle coarse of a river?
Meanders and Oxbow lakes
What is found in the lower coarse of the river?
floodplains, levees and deltas
How does a waterfall form?
A waterfall forms when a river after flowing over relatively hard rock meets a band of less resistant rock over the edge of a plateau. The rock starts to erode leaving a space which causes water to flow in great speeds.
What are gorges?
Deep narrow valleys with steep sides. Which are formed when a waterfall retreats backwards.
What are meanders?
Are curves in a river. Formed due to erosion on the outside bend and deposition on the inner bend
What are oxbow lakes?
The large bend of the meander becomes a horseshoe and is eventually cut off to become an oxbow lake
What are floodplains?
A floodplain is a fertile piece of land which is found on the sides of the river. This land floods regularly and leaves sediment behind called alluvium.
What are Deltas?
Deltas are the last feature of a river and are found at the mouth, which is the area that touches the sea. Deltas are formed from depoition of material at the mouth of the water.
What is erosion?
Erosion is the process of wearing away rocks.
What is transportation?
The movement of eroded material
What is deposition?
The process of sediment being laid down or deposited.
What are alluvial soils?
These are deposits that are left over the floodplain after a flood. These include silt mud and clay
What are Levees?
These are natural man made banks which are often higher than the floodplain.