history gcse
cold war
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history gcse > cold war
16 cards
tension in Asia (Korea, Vietnam and China)
history gcse > cold war
21 cards
Cards (71)
when was the Tehran conference?
November 1943
when was the percentages agreement?
October 1944
when was the yalta conference?
February 1945
when was the end of ww2 in europe?
May 1945
when was the potsdam conference?
July-August 1945
when was the atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki?
August and
when was the end of ww2 in the pacific (Japan)?
August 1945
(due to
atomic bombing
when was the long telegram?
February 1946
when was Churchill's iron curtain speech?
March 1946
when was Truman's speech (about the Truman doctrine)?
March 1947
when was the cominform established?
September 1947
when was the Marshall Plan put into action?
April 1948
when was The Berlin Blockade?
June 1948
When was comecon established?
January 1949
when was NATO formed?
April 1949
when was the Berlin Blockade lifted following the success of the Berlin Blockade?
May 1949
when did the USSR successfully test an atomic bomb?
August 1949
when did Mao declare the formation of the People's Republic of China (become communist)?
October 1949
when did North Korea invade the South leading to the Korean War?
June 1950
when did the US successfully test a hydrogen bomb?
November 1952
when did the Korean War end?
July 1953
when did the French withdraw from Vietnam?
July 1954
when was the formation of the Warsaw Pact?
May 1955
when was the Hungarian Uprising?
October-November 1956
when was Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, launched by the USSR?
October 1957
when did Castro take power in Cuba?
January 1959
when was the American U2 spy plane shot down over the USSR leading to an international crisis?
May 1960
when was the bay of the pigs invasion attempt?
April 1961
when was the Berlin Wall constructed?
August 1961
when did the USSR explode the most powerful bomb in history?
October 1961
when was the cuban missile crisis?
October 1962
when was the prague spring movement?
January-August 1968
when did Neil Armstrong, an American, become the first man to set foot on the moon?
July 1969
when was the first SALT talk?
May 1972
See all 71 cards