cold war

Subdecks (2)

Cards (71)

  • when was the Tehran conference?
    November 1943
  • when was the percentages agreement?
    October 1944
  • when was the yalta conference?
    February 1945
  • when was the end of ww2 in europe?
    May 1945
  • when was the potsdam conference?
    July-August 1945
  • when was the atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki?
    6th August and 9th August 1945
  • when was the end of ww2 in the pacific (Japan)?
    August 1945 (due to atomic bombing)
  • when was the long telegram?
    February 1946
  • when was Churchill's iron curtain speech?
    March 1946
  • when was Truman's speech (about the Truman doctrine)?
    March 1947
  • when was the cominform established?
    September 1947
  • when was the Marshall Plan put into action?
    April 1948
  • when was The Berlin Blockade?
    June 1948
  • When was comecon established?
    January 1949
  • when was NATO formed?
    April 1949
  • when was the Berlin Blockade lifted following the success of the Berlin Blockade?
    May 1949
  • when did the USSR successfully test an atomic bomb?
    August 1949
  • when did Mao declare the formation of the People's Republic of China (become communist)?
    October 1949
  • when did North Korea invade the South leading to the Korean War?
    June 1950
  • when did the US successfully test a hydrogen bomb?
    November 1952
  • when did the Korean War end?
    July 1953
  • when did the French withdraw from Vietnam?
    July 1954
  • when was the formation of the Warsaw Pact?
    May 1955
  • when was the Hungarian Uprising?
    October-November 1956
  • when was Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, launched by the USSR?
    October 1957
  • when did Castro take power in Cuba?
    January 1959
  • when was the American U2 spy plane shot down over the USSR leading to an international crisis?
    May 1960
  • when was the bay of the pigs invasion attempt?
    April 1961
  • when was the Berlin Wall constructed?
    August 1961
  • when did the USSR explode the most powerful bomb in history?
    October 1961
  • when was the cuban missile crisis?
    October 1962
  • when was the prague spring movement?
    January-August 1968
  • when did Neil Armstrong, an American, become the first man to set foot on the moon?
    July 1969
  • when was the first SALT talk?
    May 1972