1. Soak the mung bean seed in warm water overnight or for about 6 hours
2. Spread the partly germinated seed in a paper towel
3. Label your cups treatment A (direct sunlight), treatment B (shaded area) and treatment C (dark)
4. Put cotton in each cup, the cotton will serve as a substrate for the roots
5. Place at most 10 seeds in each cup
6. Place 3 sets of A cups in place directly exposed to the sunlight, another 3 sets of B cups in areas of the house with low light or areas inside your house with indirect light and lastly another 3 sets of cups C in complete darkness
7. Water (spray) each cup daily
8. Observe and describe growth of the seedlings in the 3 treatments for a week, record the data on the length coloration, and the number of leaves for each of the treatments
9. Take a photo and measurements and make a table of observations
10. For epinastic movement, describe the growth of the plan specimen based on the number of fully expanded leaves and the measurement of the angle of bending