Six articles of faith and Five Roots of Usul ad-Din

Cards (11)

  • Islam began in 610 AD
  • There a 2 billion Muslims globally (1 in 4 people)
  • 90% of muslims are sunni
  • 10% of muslims are shi'a
  • Sharia law is based on the Islamic religion
  • Six Articles of Faith (Sunni Islam)
    • Tawhid - oneness of God
    • Authority of holy books (Kutub)
    • Belief in angels (Malaikah)
    • Belief in predestination (Al-Qadr)
    • Day of judgement & life after death (Akirah)
  • The six articles unite all sunni muslims and help them to understand their religion. They support sunnis on how to live their lives and inspire them to follow God's rules and teaching, with an awareness they will be judged and held to account.
  • Five roots of Usul Ad-Din (shia)
    • Tawhid - oneness of God
    • Justice (Adalat)
    • Prophethood (Nubuwwah)
    • Imamate
    • Day of judgement & resurrection (mi'ad)
  • Similarities
    • Both include and recognise the importance of Tawhid
    • Both share the concepts of prophethood and life after death
    • Both impact on how followers of the denomination live their lives
    • Both unite and support followers of the denomination in faith
  • Differences
    • Shia Muslims believe in the 'Imamate' - the spiritual descendancy of all Imams. This reflects how Shia Muslims believed his cousin Ali was Muhammed's rightful successor, where as Sunni's believed Abu Bakr was the right person to succeed the prophet.
  • In Sunni Islam the Imam should be elected based on who is fit to lead, where as in Shia Islam the Imam is chosen by God.