Living in West Berlin

Cards (7)

  • While writing THT, Atwood was living in West Berlin, which was still encircled by the Berlin Wall
  • The soviet empire was still strongly in place and was not to crumble for another 5 years
  • 2017 New York Time Interview, Sonic Booms -
    'Every Sunday East German Air Force made sonic booms to remind us how close they were'
  • 2017 New York Times Interview- Visit behind iron curtain
    ' I experienced the wariness, the feeling of being spied on, the silences, [...] the oblique ways in which people may convey information'
  • 2017 New York Times Interview - disappearing people
    "This used to belong to... then they disappeared." I heard such stories many times'
  • 2017 New York Times Interview - Consciousness WWII
    'come to consciousness during World War II I knew that established orders could vanish overnight. Change could be as fast as lightning.'
  • 2017 New York Times Interview - Can't happen here
    '"It can't happen here" could not be depended on anything could happen anywhere given the circumstances.'