
Cards (15)

  • Hydrocele:
    • F_ in S_
    • N_ and often resolves by _ to _ yrs
    • S_ if persists past _ yrs and S_ due to risk of I_ I_ hernia
    • Management
    • O_
    • T_ S_ and D_ that resolves S_
    • B_ may occur
    • Avoid S_ T_ for _ to _ wks
    • S_ A_ may be avoided for _ month
    • D_ removed _ to _ days
    • B_ in _ days?
    • fluid, scrotum, newborn, 1, 3, surgery, 1, symptomatic, incarcerated, inguinal, outpatient, temporary swelling, discomfort, spontaneously, bruising, saddle toys, 2, 4, strenuous activity, 1, dressing, 2, 3, bathe, 3
  • Cryptorchidism:
    • F_ of O_ of B_ T_ to D_ normally through inguinal canal
    • Diagnosis
    • I_ to P_
    • Assess in W_ E_
    • Management
    • S_
    • S_ P_
    • No V_ A_ to T_ that are S_ for _ to _wks
    • Discuss F_ F_ and S_ T_ E_ at P_?
    • failure, one, both, testes, descend, inability, palpate, warm environment, surgery, scrotal positioning, vigorous activity, toys, straddled, 2, 4, future fertility, self testicular exam, puberty
  • Hypospadias:
    • U_ O_ not in the C_ L_
    • S_ C_ at _ to _ months
    • Management
    • Assess U_ O_
    • C_ at S_ S_
    • Notify MD when P_ C_, C_ and T_ C_, D_ C_
    • P_ C_
    • S_, D_, or B_ which will R_ with time
    • Apply J_ to D_ to prevent S_
    • No C_?
    • urethral opening, correct location, surgical correction, 6, 12, urinary output, circulation, surgical site, poor circulation, color, temp, changes, dusty color, pain control, swelling, discoloration, bruising, resolve, jelly diaper, sticking, circumcision
  • Exstrophy Epispadias Complex:
    • B_ E_
    • S_ D_ involving M_ S_, U_, R_, and I_ T_
    • E_
    • E_ or O_ D_ urethra which is T_ the F_
    • Management
    • Preservation of R_ F_
    • Attainment of U_ C_
    • Get to B_ A_
    • Prevent U_
    • F_, B_, F_, C_, F_, E_ W_ C_
    • Preserve F_?
    • bladder exstrophy, severe defect, musculoskeletal, urinary, reproductive, intestinal tracts, epispadias, exposed, open dorsal, towards, front, renal function, urinary control, best appearance, uti, frequency, burning, foul, cloudy, fever, elevated white count, function
  • Exstrophy Epispadias Complex:
    • Management
    • L_ of S_
    • L_ T_ to E_ B_
    • C_ with P_ W_ or D_
    • Monitor U_ O_ and U_
    • Need to I_ the P_ in T_ or H_ S_ for _ to _ wks
    • L_
    • May need S_ C_?
    • lots, surgery, limit trauma, exposed bladder, cover, plastic wrap, dressing, urinary output, UTI's, immobilization, pelvis, traction, hip spica, 2, 4, lengthening, self cath
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis:
    • U_ S_ can cause this
    • Diagnosis
    • H_ and P_
    • Elevated B_ and C_
    • Positive A_?
    • untreated strep, hematuria, proteinuria, bun, creatine, ASO
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis:
    • Symptoms
    • E_ that is P_
    • A_
    • U_ that is C_, S_ B_/T_ colored
    • D_ U_ O_
    • P_, L_, I_
    • V_
    • M_ to S_ E_ B_ P_
    • Older Children: H_, A_ D_, D_
    • F_ V_ E_?
    • edema, periorbital, anorexia, urine, cloudy, smoky brown, tea, decreased urine output, pallor, lethargy, irritability, vomiting, mild, severe, elevated blood pressure, headache, abdominal distention, dysuria, fluid volume excess
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis:
    • Therapeutic Management
    • _ ml/kg/hr is N_ O_
    • Good U_ O_ and B_ can be treated at home
    • E_, H_ B_, H_, B_ O_ need hospitalization
    • M_ S_ and F_ R_ for E_ and H_ B_
    • Restrict P_ during O_ which causes D_ U_ O_
    • 1, normal output, urine output, bp, edema, high bp, hematuria, bad oliguria, moderate sodium, fluid restriction, edema, high bp, potassium, oliguria, decreased urine output
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis:
    • D_ W_
    • Urine output of _ to _ ml/kg/hr
    • B_ P_ every _ to _ hrs and check when H_ and B_ V_
    • Acute kidney injury occurs when
    • D_ U_ O_
    • L_ C_
    • H_ P_ and P_
    • M_ A_?
    • daily weights, 0.5, 1, blood pressure, 4, 6, headache, blurred vision, decreased urine output, low calcium, high potassium, phosphate, metabolic acidosis
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis:
    • Nursing Management
    • Assess V_ and C_ of U_
    • C_ and D_
    • D_ W_
    • S_ F_ O_
    • Assess C_ complications
    • E_, H_ B_ and H_ for S_ P_
    • R_ D_ with no S_ or H_ S_ foods
    • F_ R_ should divide D_ W_
    • Allow frequent R_ P_?
    • volume, character, urine, cloudy, dark, daily weights, space fluids out, cerebral, edema, high bp, hematuria, seizure precautions, regular diet, salt, high potassium, fluid restriction, during walking, rest periods
  • Nephrotic Syndrome:
    • Diagnosis
    • M_ P_ higher than _
    • L_ S_ P_ and A_
    • H_ L_
    • F_ V_ E_
    • No H_?
    • massive proteinuria, 2, low serum protein, albumin, high lipids, fluid volume excess, hematuria
  • Nephrotic Syndrome:
    • Symptoms
    • W_ G_
    • F_ E_
    • A_
    • I_, Easily F_, L_
    • D_ U_ O_
    • F_ U_ from P_?
    • weight gain, facial edema, ascites, irritability, fatigue, lethargic, decreased urine output, frothy urine, protein
  • Nephrotic Syndrome:
    • Therapeutic Management
    • Reduce E_ of P_ and F_ R_
    • L_ S_ diet
    • D_ for E_
    • S_
    • A_
    • I_ if S_ don't work
    • Return if F_ R_?
    • excretion, protein, fluid restriction, low salt, diuretics, edema, steroids, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, steroids, frequent relapses
  • Nephrotic Syndrome:
    • Nursing Management
    • Monitor F_ R_ and E_
    • Strict I_ and O_
    • D_ W_
    • Avoid I_
    • No S_ in diet
    • A_ according to T_
    • Monitor signs of R_
    • Avoid S_ P_?
    • fluid restriction, excretion, intake, output, daily weights, avoiding infection, salt, activities, tolerance, relapse, sick people
  • Nephrotic Syndrome:
    • S_ for _ wks
    • Side effects
    • W_ G_
    • M_F_
    • I_ A_
    • H_
    • C_
    • H_ B_
    • G_ B_
    • B_ L_
    • I_
    • H_ G_?
    • steroids, 6, weight gain, moon face, increased appetite, hirsutism, cataracts, high bp, gi bleeding, bone loss, infection, high glucose