Tawhid s the most fundamental belief of Islam and all other principles relate to it
It is the central belief contained in the Shahadah, the first of the five pillars
Knowing what God is like means that Muslims can
Understand him better
Follow his path
Strengthen their relationship with him
The Nature of God
Adalat (God is just and the judge)
God's relationship with the world- immanent and transcendant
Immanence - God is close and involved with the world. It is said he is closer than the jugular vein and is vital to human existence. He helps us, inspires us and gives us purpose.
Transcendence - God is above human understanding. He is outside of time and space whilst being immanent. He is eternal, limitless and omnipotent.
The Shahadah "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
Surah 112, Purity of Faith:
"He is God the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was he begotten. No one is comparable to him"
Muhammed rededicated the Kaba to Allah by smashing the idols which reinstated tawhid in the Kaba
"God rewards good deeds, and knows everything" Surah 2
"God is with you wherever you are" Surah 57
"The Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy" Surah 2
"Only what God has decreed will happen to us. He is our Master: let the believers put their trust in God" Surah 9
"All power belongs to God" Surah 2
"There is no God but God" Surah 47
"He is closer to you than your jugular vein" Surah 50
Adam asked for forgiveness from God and he was forgiven, this shows his mercy.