the golden years

Cards (20)

  • the golden years was 1924-1929
  • due to stressemans work, germany had gotten out of economic distress and was able to pay reparations. this meant more people had disposable income
  • wages and working conditions improved
  • the working week shortened
  • there was a new architectural movement called bauhaus
  • women were allowed to vote
  • 90% of women voted in the 1932 elections
  • in 1932 10% of the reichstag were female
  • still housing shortage but had eased by 1928
  • women were paid 33% less than men
  • women were still expected to give up work after marriage
  • by 1925 36% of women were in work
  • there was greater social and financial independence for women
  • a more liberal appearance was accepted for women:
    • shorter dresses
    • short hair
    • makeup
    • smoking
  • right winged parties thought that the change weakened traditional german culture
  • left winged communists said that money shouldn’t be spent on art but should be given to people who needed basic help
  • in 1925-29 private companies built 37,000 new homes and building associations built 64,000
  • in 1926 unemployment was 2 million, in 1928 it was 1.3 million
  • people who attended higher education rose by 60% by 1928
  • pensions were introdced to the war veterans, wives and children and dependants to the war dead