Types of decision making

Cards (25)

  • Mission statement
    a short, specific written statement of the reason a business exists and what it wants to achieve
  • Strategic decision
    a long term decision made by senior managers, concerned with the overall aims and direction of the business, eg selling a new product
  • Tactical decision
    a decision made by middle management, usually medium term which supports strategic decision, eg deciding which advertising agency to use to promote a new product
  • Operational decision
    a decision that concerns the day-to-day activities of an organisation
  • Internal constraints
    the factors that hinder decision-making but are within the control of the business, eg finance
  • External constraints
    the barriers that hinder decision-making but are uncontrollable by the business, eg PESTEC factors
  • Role of manager
    making decisions to achieve organisation's objectives using available resources
  • Interpersonal role

    the manager's responsibility for leading and motivating others
  • Informational role

    the manager's responsibility for gathering information from and disseminating information to the stakeholders of the organisation
  • Decisional role
    the manager's responsibility for processing information and reaching conclusions
  • Planning
    setting a plan of action for the future
  • Organising
    gathering and arranging resources to meet plans
  • Commanding
    ensuring duties are done properly by informing staff what to do
  • Coordinating
    having staff and resources organised to achieve the plan
  • Controlling
    making sure everything works according to the plan ie evaluating
  • Delegating
    assigning tasks and responsibilities to subordinates
  • Motivating
    influencing people to accomplish specific objectives, consisting of 4 components: leadership, group dynamics, communication, and organisational change
    the 9 steps in a stuctured decision making process
  • SWOT analysis
    a planning tool used for identifying internal strengths and weaknesses and examining external opportunities and threats
  • PESTEC factors
    political, economic, social, technological, environmental and competitive influences on an organisation
  • Quality decision

    depends on manager's capability of making good decisions and quality and quantity of information available
  • Strengths
    internal areas or activities in which the organisation performs well
  • Weaknesses
    internal areas or activities in which the organisation performs poorly
  • Opportunities
    external areas or activities that the organisation could profitably be involved with in the future
  • Threats
    external areas or activities that could adversely affect the organisation's objectives in the future