Changes in care and treatment - surgery
1. Surgery improved due to James Simpson (anaesthetics) & Joseph Lister
2. In 1800, operations were very dangerous and common ones included amputations and growth removal quickly
3. Surgeons had to work with no anaesthetics, so patients could die from shock during surgery and infections
4. In early 19th century, surgeons experimented with chemical compounds to find an effective anaesthetic
5. Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) was used but couldn't completely get rid of pain
6. Ether had side effects like irritating eyes and lungs, causing coughing and sickness
7. James Simpson, professor of midwifery, wanted better anaesthetic to ease pain for childbirth
8. He and other scientists tested chemicals and found an effective anaesthetic: chloroform
9. There was some opposition to the use of chloroform as some surgeons preferred their patients awake so they could fight for their lives, and some had religious beliefs that humans should experience pain
10. Hannah Greener's death after being given too much chloroform increased its popularity
11. John Snow invented an inhaler to measure the dosage of chloroform given
12. Queen Victoria used chloroform during the birth of one of her children, which helped increase its acceptance
13. The 'black period of surgery' occurred because pain relief was available, so more complex operations could be carried out, leading to increased deaths from infections and blood loss