Angels are spiritual beings created from light. Muslims believe they give messaged from God to the prophets and watch over humans. They praise God but have no free will and watch over humanity.
There are many angles who have specific roles (guardian angels). Angels can appear in human form but they are not like humans, they have no gender and are part of the unseen world. They have no free will.
Angel Jibril- Delivers messages
through Jibril God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammed over 23 years. It is believed that Jibril taught Muhammed how to pray.
without Jibril the message of the Qur'an would never be received. This would influence Muslims to take the Qur'an seriously and follow the rules and practices of the book.
Angel Israfil - Blows trumpet at end of time
Angel Mika'il - Rewards good deeds with eternal life
Angel of mercy
Rewards those who lived good lives.
A friend to humanity and one of the first to bow down to Adam.
Helped Muhammed at the battle of Badr in the fight for Makkah.
Believed to bring rain and thunder
He reassures Muslims that there is mercy and the reward of an eternal life
"Praise be to God, creator of the heavens and earth, who made angels" (Surah 35)
"If anyone is an enemy of Jibril - who by God's leave brought down the Qu'ran to your heart (...) then God is certainly the enemy of such disbelievers"
"Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God's command" Surah 13
Angels act as messengers between God and humans.
They always obey God as they have no free will.
They watch over Muslims.
They record all thoughts and actions for judgement day.
Angels greet those in paradise and punish those in hell.
They are one of the six articles
They help Muslims to live their lives
Israfil will blow the horn to signify the end of the world