Cards (9)

  • "Lead him to burn in the blazing fire" Surah 69
  • Day of Judgement
    • Muslims believe that God is omniscient and that his judgement will always be right and fair
    • On the the day of Judgement the body will be resurrected
    • Two angels will open the book that contains the record of a persons deeds
    • If their name is on the right of the book they go to heavan
    • If their name is on the left of the book they go to hell
  • "On that Day you will be exposed and none of your secrets will remain hidden" Surah 69
  • Heaven
    • Heaven or Jannah is described as a beautiful place where people enjoy various rewards
    • Many Muslims believe that life in heaven is not static but a continuous journey towards higher levels of progress towards Allah
  • "Here is a picture of the Garden promised to the pious: river waters of forever pure, rivers of milk forever fresh, rivers of wine...." (Surah 47)
  • Hell
    • Hell is a place of pain and suffering for those who did not live moral lives and chose to reject the prophets
    • Some Muslims believe hell is a physical place and the graphic descriptions are true
    • Others consider it to be symbolic of the danger of not believing in Allah
    • Some believe God will ultimately forgive all
  • "God will gather all the hypocrites and disbelievers together into Hell" (Surah 4)
  • Belief in after life will influence the way people live their lives and how they behave and encourage them to obey Allah
  • Akirah influences
    • Influences Muslims do good deeds and follow Allah's rules for eternity in heaven
    • Influences them to avoid sin
    • Teaches Muslims they will be held accountable for their actions
    • Influences Muslims to have hope that justice will prevail
    • Reassures Muslims that death is not the end and they will be rewarded