Our behaviour is explained by our biological process
Psychology should study biological systems to determine then cause of our behaviour
Use of scientific equipment (e.g. MRIs and fMRIs)
Brain placidity
High in internal reliability due to highly controlled lab conditions
We can establish high cause and effect by having tightly controlled lab conditions
Can lack ecological validity as it often uses lab experiments
Its often reductionist by only investigating biological causes of behaviour
Sperry links to the biological area
Split brain surgery
Because it is shown through split-brain patients, the way in which different abilities are localised within the two hemispheres of the brain and distinct areas control specific behaviours. Sperry's sample was small in comparison to Casey et al's study
Casey links to the biological area
Neutral correlates delay of gratification
Because it involves trying to see whether there is a neural basis to self-regulation
This is done through fMRI scans of people who, forty years previously, had taken part in Mischel's delay-of-gratification test
Blakemore and Cooper links to the Biological area
An early example of research into brain plasticity, in which evidence is put forward of the impact that the visual environment has on cats' brains (specifically visual neurons). Included as a biological study because of its focus on neurons, and also because it opens up the debate about whether biology affects behaviour or whether behaviour might affect biology
Difficult to compare to Maguire because of differing samples
Similarities between Sperry & Casey
Highly controlled lab experiments
Conducted in a laboratory at California Institute of Technology - Sperry
Conducted in an fMRI room - Casey
Demonstrate specific functions of the brain
Sperry - shows corpus callosum plays an important role in communication between two hemispheres
Shows ventral striatum and frontal gyrus are important in self control
Differences between Sperry & Casey
Type of method used
Sperry - was snapshot
Casey - was longitudinal - used participants from Mischel's study
Different types of subjects used
Sperry - conducted on abnormal subjects - undergone commissurotomy
Casey - used normal brains - could be more generalisable
Similarities between B&C and Maguire
Highly controlled
B&C - took place in laboratory - kittens in dark room for 5 hours
Maguire - uses an fMRI scanner room
Objective data gathered - scientific
Took neurophysiological measure of visual neurons of kittens
Use of fMRI scan objectively measures amount of grey matter in the hippocampi of taxi drivers