Module 5

Cards (9)

  • Chemical reaction
    Concerned with breaking old bonds and creating new bonds.
  • Reactant
    2 or more substances interacting with each other during chemical reaction
  • Product
    Substance produced after chemical reaction
  • Synthesis reaction(A+X = AX)

    2 or more substances combine to form a new compound
  • Decomposition reaction (AX = A+X)

    It is a reverse reaction of the Synthesis reaction. It is a single compound that undergoes a chemical reaction and produces 2 or more substances.
  • Single replacement reaction (A+BX = AX + B)

    One element replaced the similar element.
  • Double replacement reaction (AX + BY = AY +BX)

    Two compounds exchange places to form two new compounds.
  • Stoichoimetry
    Quantative relation between the number of moles of various products and reactants
  • Chemical equation
    Shorthand method in writing a chemical reaction (chemical symbol and numbers represented their moles)