
Cards (15)

  • What is the induced fit model of enzyme action ?
    • Improved model that scientists proposed
  • The active site of an enzyme has a shape complementary to its substrate.
  • What is the lock and key model of enzyme action ?
    First model that scientists proposed
    • Thought that in order for an enzyme to catalyse a reaction ; the substrate had to fit perfectly into the active site.
  • What is the name of the special region of an enzyme that binds to the substrate ?
    Active site
  • What is a catalyst ?
    A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.
  • What do we call the complex that is formed when an enzyme binds to a substrate ?
    Enzyme - substrate complex
  • What is an enzyme ?
    Biological catalysts that are responsible for speeding up chemical reactions
  • The rate of chemical reactions increases with temperature.
    Why don’t we increase the temperature of our cells to increase the rate of chemical reactions
    • Heating our cells would require a lot of energy
    • Higher temperatures could damage our cells
    • Higher temperatures would also speed up non-useful reactions
  • What is a catalyst
    A substance that increases the speed of a chemical reaction without being used up or changed in the process
  • Why do organisms need enzymes
    Most chemical reactions are really slow
  • What is pH
    A measure of hydrogen ion concentration or a measure of acidity
  • What is the optimum temperature of enzymes in the human body ?
    37 - 38 ° C
  • What does the term ‘optimum‘ mean for enzyme temperature
    The temperature that gives the highest enzyme activity
  • Explain how high or low pH can cause an enzyme to denature
    • High or low pH can break the bonds holding the enzyme together
    • This causes the enzyme and its active site to change
    • So enzyme is no longer complementary to the substrate
    • So it can no longer form an enzyme - substrate complex
  • What are the 2 main factors that affect enzyme activity ?
    1. Temperature
    2. pH