Digestive system

Cards (10)

  • What are the two roles of the small intestine ?
    • It is where most digestion takes place
    • It is where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream
  • What is the oesophagus ?
    A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  • Which enzyme does the pancreas produce ?
    • Carbohydrates e.g amylase
    • Proteases
    • Lipases
  • Give four ways in which villi are adapted to their role ?
    • Many villi - giving them a large total surface area over to which absorb nutrients
    • Walls have only a single layer of cells - nutrients only have to diffuse a short distance
    • Good supply of blood - maintains a strong concentration gradient between the lumen and the blood.
    • Cells lining the villi have microvilli on their surface - further increasing the surface area
  • What are the three things does the stomach does to aid digestion ?
    • The stomach contracts its muscular walls to churn and mix the food
    • Produces pepsin and breaks proteins down into amino acids
    • Produces hydrochloric acid which provides the right pH for pepsin to function and kills microorganisms.
  • Which enzymes does the stomach produce ?
  • What is the main role of the large intestine ?
    To reabsorb water
  • Which enzyme does the small intestine produce ?
    • Carbohydrases
    • Proteases
    • Lipases
  • What are the two main roles of the digestive system ?
    • Digestion - process of breaking down large food molecules into smaller molecules
    • Absorption - process of absorbing these small food molecules into the body.
  • What is the role of the salivary glands ?
    Produces saliva for two purposes;
    • Moistens food which makes it easier to swallow
    • Contains salivary amylase which digests starch to maltose