1. The two armies were both divided into three battles (divisions)
2. Four hours were spent as the huge masses of men massed up in the wintry conditions and awaited the final stragglers
3. Lord Fauconberg took the initiative as the wind changed direction and blew the snow into the Lancastrians' faces
4. Fauconberg led his archers forth and sent a rain of arrows into the massed Lancastrian ranks
5. Visibility was bad and with the wind blowing in their faces the returning volley of Lancastrian arrows fell way short of their targets
6. Fauconberg ordered his men to retrieve some of the enemy arrows in the turf before them, while leaving some as obstacles for the oncoming Lancastrian
7. The weight of numbers pushed the Yorkists back initially, but the Earl of Warwick and Edward both fought in the front ranks to encourage their men
8. As the hours passed the Yorkist found themselves giving more and more ground until they came close to Towton Wood
9. Two hundred spearmen launched a surprise attack on the Yorkist left flank
10. The Earl of Norfolk arrived with several thousand fresh men
11. The Yorkists fought on with sheer determination for about an hour, when very suddenly the Lancastrian line broke and thousands of men fled the field