Cards (285)

  • Binary
    Representing information using only 0s and 1s
  • Computers only process binary digits (0 and 1), so characters such as letters, symbols and other numbers need to be converted into binary first
  • Character set

    All the different characters a computer can represent
  • Characters computers can represent
    • Alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers)
    • Commands (e.g. delete, space, enter)
  • Converting binary into characters
    1. Key is pressed on keyboard
    2. Sends binary signal to computer
    3. Computer uses character set to translate binary code into corresponding character
  • Character sets
    • ASCII
    • Extended ASCII
    • Unicode
    Can represent 128 characters, requires 7 bits
  • Extended ASCII
    Can represent 256 characters, requires 8 bits
  • Unicode
    Can represent 65,536 characters, requires 16 bits
  • How character sets work
    1. Character is given a denary code
    2. Denary code is converted into binary
    3. Processed by computer and displayed on screen
  • Pixel
    Picture element, a solid square of colour represented by a binary number
  • Bitmap images
    • Made of pixels arranged on a grid
    • Each pixel assigned a binary value representing its colour
    • Quality depends on total amount of pixels (image resolution)
  • Vector images
    • Drawn by computer following precise mathematical instructions to create lines and objects
    • Smaller file size than bitmap
    • Can be scaled up without loss in quality
  • Metadata
    Information about the image that the computer requires to correctly display it
  • Colour depth
    Number of bits per pixel
  • Colour depth examples
    • 1 bit per pixel (2 possible colours)
    • 2 bits per pixel (4 possible colours)
    • 3 bits per pixel (8 possible colours)
    • 16 bits per pixel (over 65,000 possible colours)
  • Resolution
    How tightly packed the pixels are
  • More pixels
    Larger file size
  • Sound
    A wave, vibrations that set particles in motion generating variations in pressure/density
  • How sound is displayed on a computer
    1. Microphone measures change in air pressure
    2. Microphone translates air pressure into electrical voltage
    3. Analogue to digital converter digitises electrical voltage into bytes of information
    4. Computer displays the digitised sound for manipulation
  • Sample rate
    Number of audio samples captured per second
  • Bit depth
    Number of bits available to store an audio sample
  • Bit rate
    Number of bits processed per second
  • Higher sample rate, bit depth, bit rate

    Better audio quality
  • Higher sample rate, bit depth, bit rate
    Larger file size
  • Digital sound

    Digital representation of sound made up of thousands of snapshots/samples
  • Analogue sound

    Graphical representation of sound, capturing change in air pressure and converting to electrical voltage
  • Logic gates
    • AND
    • OR
    • XOR
    • NOT
    • NOR
    • NAND
    • XNOR
  • AND gate
    • Requires both inputs on for the output to be on
  • NOT gate
    • Output is always opposite to the input
  • OR gate
    • Requires at least 1 of the 2 inputs to be on for the output to be on
  • There are 3 fundamental logic gates: AND, NOT, OR
  • Computer system
    Hardware and software that work together to process data and complete tasks
  • Tasks performed by a computer
    • Accept data (input)
    • Store data (storage)
    • Process data (processing)
    • Output information
  • Input device
    Hardware equipment used to provide data and control signals to be processed by the computer
  • Examples of input devices
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Sensor
    • Microphone
    • Barcode scanner
  • Storage
    Keeping data in memory
  • Process
    Turning data into information by following software instructions
  • Output device
    Hardware equipment that receives data from a computer, usually for display, projection or physical reproduction
  • Examples of output devices
    • Screen
    • Printer
    • VR headset
    • Motor
    • Speaker