Sociology Family

Cards (5)

  • Functionalists view on Family
    Functionalists believe the family is important. Functionalists believe the family provides primary and secondary socialisation. Families offer care,support and overall well being and functionality of society
  • Marxist view on family
    Marixts view the family in a negative perspective. as they serve interests of the capitalist system. they argue that the family displays social inequality by passing down property and wealth to the next generation. maintaining the exploitation of the working class for the ben for the ruling class
  • Feminist view on the family
    Feminists believe that the family is heavily influenced by patriarchy as it controls the gender roles and norms within the household. For example boys are encouraged to partake in sports and help their fathers fix things recieving toys such as cars and trucks. However, girls are taught to take on more 'feminine' activities like household work and reading girls often play with toys such as babies, dolls and kitchen sets which are often pink and purple.
  • What is a Rapoport
    The way in which the family is orginised. Due to religious backround, ethnicity or culture that will influence how your family looks. There might also be differences in terms of child bringing up practices between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Depending on your age and generation it will depend on how you view discipline, giving children inderpendence, how you divorce, homosexuality etc.
  • Willmott and Young theory on family
    They belive the family has gone through 4 stages of development/transformation over time. These stages include pre-industrial families, industrial families, symmetrical fammilies and the managing director family.