Death rate and life expectancy

Cards (12)

  • Death Rates
    The number of deaths per year per 1000
  • Since the 1950's, death rates have gone down
  • Reasons why Death Rate has gone down
    • Improved Nutrition
    • Medical/Healthcare Improvements
    • Smoking and Diet
    • Public health measures
    • Other social changes
  • Improved Nutrition
    • Accounted for up to half the reduction in death rates
    • Better nutrition helped battle infections and diseases
    • Those that have high incomes allows for a healthier lifestyle
  • Medical/Healthcare Improvements
    Improved medical knowledge helped improve death rates by discovering antibiotics, immunisation and blood transfusions
  • Smoking and Diet
    • The greatest fall in death rates has come from people reducing smoking
    • The government has also helped limit smoking by advertising the risks and problems that can arise from smoking, therefore putting people off
  • Public health measures
    • The government took incentives to lead to a better quality of the environment
    • This included improving housing, making water more purified and put laws in to reduce the adulterations in food and drinks
  • Other social changes
    • A rise in income allows for a healthier lifestyle
    • The reduction of coal mining jobs allowed work to become less dangerous
    • Greater public knowledge of illnesses/diseases
    • Lifestyle changes
  • Life Expectancy
    Refers to how long on average a person will live for
  • Reasons for low life expectancy
    • Low infant mortality rate
    • Class, gender and regional differences
  • Low infant mortality rate

    • Many infants did not survive beyond the early years of life
    • A new born baby today has a better chance of surviving to its 65th birthday than a baby had surviving its 1st birthday in the 1900's
    • Harper says that society will soon achieve 'radical longevity' with more centenarians
  • Class, gender and regional differences
    • Women generally live longer than men
    • However, this may change due to more women smoking
    • North and Scotland have a lower life expectancy than in the south
    • Working class men unskilled work are three times more likely to die before they are 65
    • Walker (2011) Says that those living in the poorer parts of england are likely to die 7 yerars more earlier than those in the richer areas