The minimum annual rate may be payable where the child support formula produces an annual rate below the relevant minimum annual rate, the parent does not have at least regular care of any child in the child support case, and the fixed annual rate of child support does not apply
A parent may apply to have the assessment reduced to nil if their income is less than the amount of the minimum assessment multiplied by the total number of the parent's child support cases
The minimum amount of child support a parent must pay if the formula assessment is below this amount, they don't have regular care, and the fixed annual rate doesn't apply
The minimum annual rate will apply until the end of the child support period, 28 days after the last day the minimum rate would have applied, or the day before a new rate is determined by a change of assessment, order or agreement
If the care of the children is divided between a parent carer and one or more non-parent carers, or between 2 or more non-parent carers, the minimum annual rate is shared between the carers
The parent must satisfy the Registrar that during the nominated period they have very low income, less than the minimum annual rate multiplied by the total number of their child support cases
A parent must satisfy the Registrar that during the nominated period they have very low income, less than the minimum annual rate multiplied by the total number of the parent's child support cases
If the Registrar grants an application to reduce the assessment to nil, the Registrar can still amend or reconcile the estimated income, and the liable parent can make a further estimate of income should their circumstances change
If the Registrar refuses to grant an application for a reduction, the unsuccessful applicant must be notified in writing and may choose to object to the particulars of the assessment
If the other parent disagrees with the Registrar's decision to grant the application, they may object to the particulars of the assessment or apply for a change of assessment
Amending an assessment if the reasons to reduce the minimum annual rate to nil are no longer satisfied
1. Registrar amends assessment from date of change in circumstances that led to section 66A no longer being satisfied
2. If requirements of section 66A were never met, or met for less than 2 months, Registrar amends assessment from date minimum assessment was first reduced