fluid feeder - organisms that subsits on liquids derived from other organisms
florigen - which plant hormone situates flower bud initiation
site of fertilization - fallopian tubes
reproductive organ that produces eggs- ovary
how are seeds disperes through the environment- wind,water, animals
promotes nodules formation in legumes- sulfur
part of the plant embryo that develops into the primary root- radicle
why is a male peacock has brightly colored feathers
female structure of a flower - pistil/carpel
deficiency results in small dark green leaves over the entire plant- nitrogen deficiency
characterized by sperm fertilizing the egg within the female body- internal fertilization
flowering plant whose embryo store two seed leaf- dicotyledon
breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small, water-soluble molecules is called- digestion
germination- when the embryo starts to grow and breaks out of the seed coat
important component of the middle lamella of cell walls- calcium
essential amino acids helps with fat metabolism and immune function- methione
stores bile produced by the liver - gallbladder
cytokins - small proteins that are crucial in controlling the growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells
what is the main reproductive organ in females? what hormone does it secrete? - ovaries: estrogen and progesterone
part of a flower that contains the pollen;located at the end of the stamen - anther
after fertilization, what does ovule develop into- seed
what is the job or function of a seed?- seeds are used to reproduce, to make new plants
what protects the embryo inside the seed - seed coat
engulfment of organic fragments or big particles - phagocytosis
an animal that obtains its foods by filtering food particles or tiny living things from water - filter feeder
some students are observing the behavior of a male bird in the schoolyard. Which of the following behaviors might increase the probability of reproductive success? - made a chirping sound
the combining of a sperm cell and an egg cell creates zygote
pollination - the process of fertilizing flowers by transferring pollen from the male to female parts
how many months does it typically take for a fetus to fully develop - 9 months