Cards (28)

  • Clive Wearing - Herpes Encephalitis
  • Memory - stored and recalled.
  • Recall - retrieve information learned earlier in the absences of cues.
  • Recognition - identify items previously learned.
  • Relearning - assesses the amount of time saved when learning material again.
  • SENSORY MEMORY - “Original Form” Holds all incoming information for seconds. (30 seconds)
  • SHORT TERM MEMORY - ALLAN BADDELEY WITH GRAHAM HITCH proposed the short-term component of memory called working memory.
  • ALLAN BADDELEY WITH GRAHAM HITCH - proposed the short-term component of memory called working memory.
  • Phonological loop - Verbal and auditory.
  • Visuospatial Sketchpad - Visual and spatial.
  • Central Executive - Major works coordinate the phonological and visuospatial.
  • LONG TERM MEMORY - Involves processes.
  • Explicit memory - declarative. Facts and experiences.
  • Semantic - Facts and knowledge.
  • Episodic - Autobiographical memory.
  • Implicit - non declarative. Unconsciously recalled.
  • Automatic Processing - non conscious encoding of incidental information.
  • Procedural memory - “muscle memory”.
  • MNEMONICS - memory aids or techniques.
  • Acronym - first letter of a group of words or names.
  • Acrostic - a sentence or a whole phrase instead of just one word.
  • Association - help you remember new information and link it to something you already know well.
  • Chunking - organizing items into familiar, manageable units.
  • Songs and Rhymes - singing to learn.
  • Method of loci - remembering items based on their locations.
  • Shallow Processing - encoding information on basic auditory or visual levels.
  • Deep Processing - encodes semantically.