
Cards (35)

  • system
    the chemical reaction
  • surroundings
    everything external to the system (e.g. temp)
  • open system
    matter + energy exchanged w surroundings
  • closed system
    only energy exchanged w system
  • reversible
    products react again to reform original reactants (BOTH DIRECTIONS) [⇌]
    • e.g. most chem reactions, changing state
  • irreversible
    products can't reform original reactants (ONE DIRECTION)
    • e.g. baking cake, combustion
  • rate vs time graph
    • [reactants] ↓ , [products] ↑
    products collide to reform reactants
    • eventually, forward and reverse reactions proceed at same rate → at EQUILIBRIUM
    • [reactants] + [products] remain constant
  • concentration - time graph
    products always start at 0M
    • ↑ [products], ↓ [reactants]
    • plateau = EQUILIBRIUM
    change is based on the mole ratio
  • dynamic state
    forward + reverse reactions occur concurrently at same time (not ceased)
  • rate of reaction
    change in concentration of reactant or product over time (M/s)
  • extent of reaction

    how far forward reaction proceeds before EQUILIBRIUM
    • not related to ROR
    • concentration of R + P are diff for diff equilibrium mixture
  • equilibrium yield
    the amount of products present at EQUILIBRIUM relative to the amount of reactants
  • 4 properties for equilibrium

    1. must occur in closed system
    2. rate of forward + reverse reactions are equal
    3. temperature + pressure are constant
    4. [products] and [reactants] are constant
  • equilibrium law
    • only in homogenous chem systems
    • units: P coeff - R coeff
  • explaining equilibrium law
    Q < K → net forward reaction (right)
    Q = K → system at EQUILIBRIUM
    Q > K → net reverse reaction (left)
  • equation reversed
    K inverted (reciprocal)
  • equation doubled
    K squared
  • equation halved
    K square rooted
  • value of K : extent of reaction : relative concentration at equilibrium
    • less than 10^-4 : negligible : ↑ [reactants], ↓ [products]
    • b/w 10^-4 and 10^4 : significant: significant [reactants] and [products]
    • greater than 10^4 : almost complete : ↓ [reactants], ↑ [products]
    • greater or equal to 10^5 : complete : all reactants converted to products
  • effect of change in temperature on endothermic reactions

    • energy ABSORBED from surroundings
    • favoured by ↑ in temp
    • ↑ temp = ↑ K ( F )
    • ↓ temp = ↓ K ( R )
  • effect of change in temperature on exothermic reactions

    • energy RELEASED into surroundings
    • favoured by ↓ in temp
    • ↑ temp = ↓ K ( R )
    • ↓ temp = ↑ K ( F )
  • Le Chatelier's Principle

    states “if a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change, the system will adjust itself to partially oppose the effect of the change”
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    temperature + EXOthermic reactions

    • this is an exothermic reaction
    exothermic reactions are favoured by ↓ T → act to release energy into surroundings
    • ↓T (↓ energy in the surroundings) → causes net forward reaction to release energy (↑ K)
    • ↑T (↑ energy in the surroundings) → causes net reverse reaction to absorb energy (↓ K)
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    temperature + ENDOthermic reactions

    • this is an endothermic reaction
    endothermic reactions are favoured by ↑ T → act to absorb energy from surroundings
    • ↑T (↑ energy in the surroundings) → causes net forward reaction to absorb energy (↑ K)
    • ↓T (↓ energy in the surroundings) → causes net reverse reaction to release energy (↓ K)
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    DILUTING solution by doubling volume of water

    • diluting solution by doubling volume of water = ↓ concentration of all species by 1/2
    • LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↑ concentration of the system
    • moves to side w most particles
    • net _____ reaction (depends on reaction)
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    DOUBLING VOLUME of container with a gaseous system

    • doubling volume of container = ↓ pressure of system by 1/2
    • ↓ concentration all species by 1/2
    • LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↑ pressure of the system
    • moves to side w most particles
    • net _____ reaction (depends on reaction)
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    HALVING VOLUME of container with a gaseous system

    • halving volume of container = ↑ pressure of system by double
    • ↑ concentration all species by double
    • LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↓ pressure of the system
    • moves to side w least particles
    • net _____ reaction (depends on reaction)
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    adding a CATALYST
    • catalysts ↓ Ea of forward + reverse reactions equally
    • ↑ rate of forward + reverse reactions equally
    no change in [products] and [catalyst] or K or yield of products
    no effect on position of equilibrium
  • effect of position on equilibrium:
    adding an INERT GAS
    • inert gas ↑ total pressure of system
    • however, doesn’t change partial pressure of reactants + products
    no change in [products] and [reactant] or K or yield of products
    no effect on position of equilibrium
  • effect on position at equilibrium:
    adding reactants 

    • adding reactant = ↑ concentration of reactant
    • sharp ↑ in concentration of reactant (on graph)
    • LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↓ concentration of reactant
    net forward reaction
  • effect on position at equilibrium:
    removing products 

    • removing products = ↓ concentration of product
    sharp ↓ in concentration of reactant (on graph)
    • LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↑ concentration of product
    net forward reaction
  • effect on position at equilibrium:
    adding product 

    • adding product = ↑ concentration of product
    sharp ↑ in concentration of product (on graph)
    LCP states the system will act to partially oppose the change by ↓ concentration of product
    net reverse reaction
  • how to increase yield
    • ↑ temp for ENDOthermic, ↓ temp for EXOthermic
    • ↑ [reactants]
    • ↓ [products] - sell
    • ↑ pressure → less particles on product side
    • ↓ pressuremore particles on product side
  • how to increase ROR
    • ↑ temp - $ + danger
    • ↓ volume = ↑ pressure of gas - $ + danger
    • ↑ concentration
    • ↑ SA of solid
    • add catalyst - $ + reuse
  • yield
    theoretical: products expected if reactants fully react (stoichem)
    actual yield: mass of products actually obtained
    • slow ROR
    • reaches equilibrium
    • loss of substances during transfers
    % yield = (actual / theoretical) x 100