
Cards (59)

  • McGuires Chain of persuasion
  • Brocks Cognitive Response Analysis
    A persuasive message and things associated are the focus of ELABORATIVE THOUGHTS
  • What's "elaborative thoughts" according to Brocks Cognitive Response Analysis model

    Whether or not we think favourably about the message. This leads on to attitude change.
  • Elaboration likelihood model
    -Dual process model
    -Central route
    -Peripheral route
  • Central route (Elaboration likelihood model)
    -Elaboration strengths/weaknesses
    -Association with positive stimuli unimportant
    -Attitude change based on quality argument
  • Peripheral route (Elaboration likelihood model)
    -Little or no elaboration of content
    -Association with positive stimuli influential
    -Attitude change based on emotional appeal
  • Compliance
    Agreeing to a request from someone who does not have the authority to make you obey
  • Principles of compliance by Robert Cialdini
    -Social validation
  • Robert Cialdini learned compliance from the following people
    -Real estate agents
    -Con artists
  • How are persuasion/compliance techniques developed in sales people according to Robert Cialdini
    Persuasion techniques developed via NATURAL SELECTION. The most adaptive compliance techniques will persist in these professions
  • Reciprocation
    more willing to comply with a request from someone who has previously provided a favour or concession to us
  • Why does reciprocation exist
    Powerful norm for reciprocation in society

    Obligation to return behaviour we receive
  • examples of reciprocity
    -Make concessions
  • Door in the face technique
    Variation of the rule of reciprocation.

    Give concession then ask for concession from them

    -Extreme, unreasonable request
    -Moderate request "concession"
    -Creates pressure of reciprocal concession
  • What technique is used in negotiation situations
    Door in the face technique
  • Ambit claim
    Ridiculous initial demand with expectation of future compromise

    Each side making concession which creates pressure for reciprocal concessions
  • Ambit claim also called what
    Blue sky demand
  • Why does the Blue sky demand work well
    Humans better at making relative judgements than absolute judgements

    When preceded by large request, subsequent requests seem more reasonable
  • What's contrast effect

    Next to something very big, other things don't seem so big anymore
  • What two theories demonstrate we are strongly motivated to maintain a consistent set of thoughts
    -Festinger's (1957) cognitive dissonance theory
    -Heider's (1957) balance theory
  • Foot in the door technique uses what type of technique
    -Consistency technique
  • Foot in the door technique
    -Consistency technique
    -Two-step procedure.
    -Start by asking for something small
    -Once locked
    -Ask the real favour, much bigger
    -Pressured to agree
  • How does the foot in the door technique work
    Process of self perception

    -Agree to initial small request
    -Agree to larger request due to need to be consistent with "who you are"
  • When are commitments more powerful
    -Made publicly in front of others
    -Not coerced from you by pressure
  • What principle is used in the "bait and switch"
    Variation of the principle of consistency includes commitment
  • Steps involved in the "bait and switch"
    -Give inducement
    -Once committed
    -Remove inducement
    -Pressured to be consistent with initial commitment

    Toys at Christmas
  • Low Balling
    -Give inducement
    -Once committed
    -Increasing costs
    -Pressured to be consistent with a commitment

    Advertise cheap flight, once committed, reveal additional hidden costs.
  • Common variations of the consistency technique which also include commitment
    -Bait and switch
    -Low balling
  • What technique was effectively used for brainwashing during Korean War
    Consistency technique
  • Effective brain washing techniques
    When you behave in a way different to your self image your self image can shift to align with that behaviour
  • How are you feeling technique
    Once you have said you are well, more difficult to appear stingy when
    you are asked to help others less fortunate
  • Conformity
    -Persuaded by the behaviours and attitudes of others
    -Use of beliefs, attitudes, actions of others as a basis of comparison
  • Festinger's social comparison theory
    People have a constant drive to evaluate themselves.
  • The principle of social validation
    -People will prefer to use objective cues to make evaluations
    -But not always able
    -Thus rely on a social comparison instead
  • Examples of social validation
    -Half full tip jars
    -Top selling items
    -Church collection basket
  • What's the list technique
    -Social validation
    -Pressures of conformity
    -Works by asking for a request only after target shown a list of others
    who already agreed
  • Why does the list technique work
    -We are not sure what the appropriate behaviour is or
    -We don't want to stand out from the group
  • Examples of conformity
    -Nazi Germany
  • Tupperware uses what techniques
  • What's informational influence

    -Conform with group when the group clearly wrong
    -Thought they were wrong so relied on the group