LEC 15: lymphatic system

Cards (18)

  • Immunity
    Prevent or reduce damage or disease
  • Innate immunity
    • Defences present from birth
    • Cannot learn from past immune responses
  • Adaptive immunity
    • T & B lymphocytes help immune responses learn, adapt, and remember previous pathogens
  • Lymphatic capillaries
    • Found between tissue cells and blood capillaries in loose connective tissue
    • Large molecules can pass into lymph capillaries
  • Lymphatic vessels
    • Empties lymph back into circulatory system via right lymphatic duct or thoracic duct
    • Low pressure vessels
    • Uses same mechanisms as veins to return lymph to circulatory system
  • Lymphoid cells
    • Lymphocytes arise in red bone marrow and mature into either T cells or B cells
    • T cells (thymus): manage immune response & attack and destroy infected cells
    • B cells (bone marrow): when encountering an antigen, they activate into plasma cells which secrete antibodies
    • Natural killer cells: innate immune cells, cytotoxic (cell-killing)
    • Macrophages: act as phagocytes, help activate T lymphocytes
    • Dendritic cells: found in lymphoid tissue, play a role in T lymphocyte activation
    • Reticular cells: produce fibers that make up the stroma
  • Lymph nodes
    Filters to remove and destroy micro-organisms and other debris from lymph before transporting back to bloodstream
  • Buboes
    • Inflamed, swollen, tender lymph nodes
    • Occurs when nodes are overwhelmed by what they are trying to destroy
  • Spleen
    • Removes old and defective red blood cells and platelets
    • Provides a site for proliferation and immune surveillance
  • Lymphoid tissues
    • May be diffuse lymphoid tissue found in every organ or lymphoid follicles which form part of larger organs
    • Common theme is predominance of lymphocytes and macrophages
  • Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues
    Located in mucous membranes
  • Tonsils
    • Gather and remove pathogens entering pharynx in food or inhaled air
    • Tonsillar crypts catch bacteria and food particles to train immune cells
  • Peyer's patches
    Found in wall of ileum
  • Appendix
    Maintains normal flora of intestines
  • Thymus
    • Matures T lymphocytes
    • Secretes hormones that cause lymphocytes to become immunocompetent
    • Most active during childhood
    • No B cells, no follicles
    • Not involved in fighting antigens
    • Made up of thymic lobules with an outer cortex containing rapidly dividing T cells and an inner medulla where self-reactive T cells are removed
  • Class 1 MHC proteins
    T lymphocytes can see if a cell is infected
  • Class 2 MHC proteins
    • Only dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells
    • Pathogens engulfed by these cells are digested into smaller pieces
  • T cell selection
    1. Positive selection in cortex of thymus allows T lymphocytes that recognize MHC proteins to survive
    2. Negative selection in inner medulla of thymus allows T cells that don't recognize self antigen proteins to survive