The design and application of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals
Human capital
The economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees
Human Resource (HR)
Drives organizational performance
Human capital cited as the top factor in competitive success
Talent management is a top concern for all managers
Top Three Factors for Maintaining Competitive Success
Hiring the right people to become more competitive on a global basis
Hiring the right people for improving quality, innovation, and customer service
Knowing the right people to retain after mergers, acquisitions, or downsizing
Hiring the right people to apply new information technology (IT) for mobile business
Shifting concepts of social contract – employability rather than lifetime employment
Strategic Human Resource Management
The impact of federal legislation on HRM
Hiring or promoting applicants based on criteria that are not job relevant
Affirmative action
Requires employers take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups
Failure to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) legislation can result in substantial fines and penalties for employers
Sexual harassment, a violation of the Civil Rights Act, is a growing concern
Main labour laws in Malaysia
Employment Act 1955
Industrial Relations Act 1967
Employees' Provident Fund Act 1991 (EPF)
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA)
Employees' Social Security Act 1969 (SOCSO)
New social contract
Based on the concept of employability rather than lifetime employment
Develop their own skills and abilities
Understand employer's business needs
Demonstrate their value to the organization
Offers creative training and development opportunities
Human resource planning
The forecasting of HR needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected job vacancies
Human resource planning
1. Ask big-picture questions
2. Answers help define the direction for the organization's HRM strategy
Job analysis
Systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks, responsibilities, and context of a job
Job description
Summary of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job
Job specification
Outline of characteristics needed to perform the job (qualification & behavior)
Recruiting (talent acquisition)
Activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied
Internal recruitment
External recruitment
Internal Recruitment Advantages
Motivator for good performance
Strong personnel development, training needed
Causes succession of promotions
Better assessment of abilities
Increased commitment, morale
Lower cost for some jobs
Internal Recruitment Disadvantages
Morale problems of those not promoted
Political infighting for promotions
Have to hire only at entry level
External Recruitment Advantages
New ideas, insights
Possibly cheaper than training a professional
No group of political supporters in the organization
External Recruitment Disadvantages
Selected person may not fit job or organization
Possible morale problems for internal candidates not promoted
Tool used to collect information about the applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics
Structured interview
Set of standardized questions that are asked of every applicant so comparisons can easily be made
Non-directive interview
Ask broad, open-ended questions that allow the applicant to talk freely, with minimal interruption
Panel interview
Candidate meets with several interviewers who take turns asking questions
Employment tests
Tests that may include cognitive ability tests, physical ability tests, personality inventories, and other assessments
On-the-job training
An experienced employee shows a newcomer how to perform job duties
Social learning
Learning informally from others by using social media tools
Corporate university
In-house training and education facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees
Promotion from within
Development is through promotion from within, which helps companies retain and develop valuable people. Promotions provide more challenging assignments, prescribe new responsibilities, help employees grow by expanding and developing their abilities.
Performance appraisal
Evaluating performance, recording assessment, and providing feedback
360-degree feedback
Process that uses multiple raters, including self-rating, as a way to increase awareness of strengths and weaknesses and guide employee development
Performance-review ranking system
Method in which managers evaluate direct reports relative to one another and categorize each on a scale
All monetary payments and Benefits / Indirect benefits - all goods or commodities used to reward employees