Large, bright ball of gas that generates heat and light through nuclear fusion in its core
Moderately large object that orbits a star and shines by reflected light. It is made of rock, ice, or gas
Moon (or satellite)
An object that orbits a planet
Relatively small/rocky object that orbits a star
Relatively small/ice-rich object that orbits a star
Solar (star) system
A star and all orbiting material; includes its planets and their moons
A(n interstellar) cloudofgas and/or dust
An "island in space" held together by gravity: stars and their corpses, gas, dust/planets, and dark matter
Universe (or cosmos)
Everything: all space, matter, and energy that is "accessible"
Astronomical Unit (AU)
Average distance from earth to sun
Cluster (group of galaxies)
Collection of galaxies bound together by gravity
Milky way galaxy
Our solar system belongs to this; disk-shaped collection of stars
Local Group
Galaxies that are grouped together
Galaxy Clusters
Group of galaxies with more than a few dozen members
Super cluster
Gigantic space where may groups of clusters are packed more closely
Light years (ly)
Distance light can travel in 1 year
Observable Universe
Section of entire universe that can be seen from Earth
Expanse in universe
Increase in average distance between galaxies as time progresses
Big bang
Birth of the universe
Ecliptic Plane
Plane of Earth's orbit around the sun; 23.5 degrees perpendicular
Axis Tilt
Amount by which a planet's axis is tilted with respect to a line perpendicular to the ecliptic plane; oriented so axis points almost directly at Polaris or the north star
The spinning of an object about its axis
Orbit (Revolution)
The orbital motion of one object around another due to gravity
Nuclear Fusion
Process in which lightweight atomic nuclei smash together and stick (fuse) to make heavier nuclei
Boundary that divides what we can see from what we cannot see, boundary between the earth and the sky
(Above horizon) the angular distance between the horizon and an object in the sky
A region of the sky; 88 total over celestial sphere
Point directly overhead, altitude of 90 degree
Celestial sphere
Imaginary sphere which objects in the sky reside when seen from Earth:4 points/circles
North celestial pole
(Part of celestial sphere) point directly over Earth's North Pole
South celestial pole
(Part of celestial sphere) point directly over Earth's South Pole
Celestial Equator
Projection of Earth's equator into space, makes complete circle around celestial sphere
Path the sun follows as it circles around the celestial sphere once each year. It crosses the celestial equator at a 23.5 degree angle, because that is the tilt of the Earth's axis
Local sky
Sky seen from wherever you're standing
Imaginary half-circle stretching from the horizon due south, through the zenith, to the horizon due north
Position of object in the local sky along the horizon. Referred to as azimuth, which is degrees clockwise from due north
Angular Size
Angle it appears to span in your field of view. Doesn't tell us true size of object, depends on distance.
Angular distance
Angle that appears to separate 2 objects in the sky
(Symbol = ') subdivide degrees into this (60 arcminutes).
(Symbol = '') subdivide a arcminute into this (60 arcseconds)