Astronomy 1-5

Cards (100)

  • Star
    Large, bright ball of gas that generates heat and light through nuclear fusion in its core
  • Planet
    Moderately large object that orbits a star and shines by reflected light. It is made of rock, ice, or gas
  • Moon (or satellite)

    An object that orbits a planet
  • Asteroids
    Relatively small/rocky object that orbits a star
  • Comet
    Relatively small/ice-rich object that orbits a star
  • Solar (star) system
    A star and all orbiting material; includes its planets and their moons
  • Nebula
    A(n interstellar) cloud of gas and/or dust
  • Galaxy
    An "island in space" held together by gravity: stars and their corpses, gas, dust/planets, and dark matter
  • Universe (or cosmos)
    Everything: all space, matter, and energy that is "accessible"
  • Astronomical Unit (AU)

    Average distance from earth to sun
  • Cluster (group of galaxies)
    Collection of galaxies bound together by gravity
  • Milky way galaxy
    Our solar system belongs to this; disk-shaped collection of stars
  • Local Group
    Galaxies that are grouped together
  • Galaxy Clusters
    Group of galaxies with more than a few dozen members
  • Super cluster
    Gigantic space where may groups of clusters are packed more closely
  • Light years (ly)

    Distance light can travel in 1 year
  • Observable Universe

    Section of entire universe that can be seen from Earth
  • Expanse in universe
    Increase in average distance between galaxies as time progresses
  • Big bang
    Birth of the universe
  • Ecliptic Plane
    Plane of Earth's orbit around the sun; 23.5 degrees perpendicular
  • Axis Tilt
    Amount by which a planet's axis is tilted with respect to a line perpendicular to the ecliptic plane; oriented so axis points almost directly at Polaris or the north star
  • Rotation
    The spinning of an object about its axis
  • Orbit (Revolution)

    The orbital motion of one object around another due to gravity
  • Nuclear Fusion
    Process in which lightweight atomic nuclei smash together and stick (fuse) to make heavier nuclei
  • Horizon
    Boundary that divides what we can see from what we cannot see, boundary between the earth and the sky
  • Altitude
    (Above horizon) the angular distance between the horizon and an object in the sky
  • Constellation
    A region of the sky; 88 total over celestial sphere
  • Zenith
    Point directly overhead, altitude of 90 degree
  • Celestial sphere
    Imaginary sphere which objects in the sky reside when seen from Earth:4 points/circles
  • North celestial pole
    (Part of celestial sphere) point directly over Earth's North Pole
  • South celestial pole
    (Part of celestial sphere) point directly over Earth's South Pole
  • Celestial Equator
    Projection of Earth's equator into space, makes complete circle around celestial sphere
  • Ecliptic
    Path the sun follows as it circles around the celestial sphere once each year. It crosses the celestial equator at a 23.5 degree angle, because that is the tilt of the Earth's axis
  • Local sky
    Sky seen from wherever you're standing
  • Meridian
    Imaginary half-circle stretching from the horizon due south, through the zenith, to the horizon due north
  • Direction
    Position of object in the local sky along the horizon. Referred to as azimuth, which is degrees clockwise from due north
  • Angular Size
    Angle it appears to span in your field of view. Doesn't tell us true size of object, depends on distance.
  • Angular distance
    Angle that appears to separate 2 objects in the sky
  • Arcminutes
    (Symbol = ') subdivide degrees into this (60 arcminutes).
  • Arcseconds
    (Symbol = '') subdivide a arcminute into this (60 arcseconds)