OB procedures

Cards (23)

  • Amniotomy (AROM)
    • Rupture of amniotic sac
    • Indications: starting labor (inducing), accelerating progress (augmenting), application of FSE, application of IUPC, and assessment of amniotic fluid
    • Risks: prolapsed cord!, chorioamnionitis and cesarean delivery
  • Nursing care (amniotomy)
    • Explain procedure
    • FHR
    • Document fluid quality -TACO
    • Comfort measures
    • Temp q 2 hours
    • Minimal vag exams
    • Teach
  • Amnioinfusion
    • Infusion of sterile normal saline or LR solution warmed to body temp through an intrauterine catheter into the uterine cavity
    • Indications: variable decelerations (cord compression), oligohydramnios and meconium-stained fluid
    • Nursing care: VS, UCs, EFM and comfort measures
  • Induction
    • Stimulation of contractions before spontaneous onset of labor, with or without ruptured membranes, for the purpose of accomplishing a vaginal birth
  • Augmentation
    • Stimulation of contractions when spontaneous contractions have already begin but are not causing progressive dilation or descent
  • Labor
    • Withdrawal of inhibitory mechanisms of pregnancy
  • Parturition cascade
    • Phase O: Inhibition of contractions during pregnancy: progesterone, prostaglandins and relaxin
    • Phase 1: myometrial activation (priming): progesterone levels decrease, estrogen levels increase
    • Phase 2: Stimulating uterotonic agonists: oxytocin and stimulatory prostaglandins causes uterus to contract
    • Phase 3: Involution: oxytocin
  • Indications for inductions
    • Post dates
    • Preeclampsia
    • Premature and or prolonged ROM
    • Chorioamnionitis
    • Signs of fetal stress: non-reactive NST
    • IUGR
    • Fetal demise
    • Diabetes, heart disease
  • Indications for augmentation
    • Labor contractions have slowed/stopped
    • Contraction strength has weakened
  • Contraindications for induction/augmentation:
    • Placenta previa
    • Vasa previa or velamentous umbilical cord
    • Certain pelvic abnormalities
    • Prior vertical uterine incision
    • Active genital herpes infection
    • HIV + status
    • Abnormal fetal position
  • Risks for induction/augmentation:
    • Outcomes improved when: fetal maturity of 39 weeks or greater and cervical readiness
    • Risks: tachysystole, uterine rupture, water intoxication from oxytocin and cesarean delivery
  • Bishop Score:
    • Favorable: 8= similar to spontaneous labor, 7= primips, and 5= multips
    • 5 categories: Dilation, Effacement, Fetal station, Cervical consistency and Cervical position
  • Medical interventions
    • Synthetic prostaglandins: Soften or ripen cervix, ex. Misoprostol/Dinoprostone, and stimulate contractions
    • Pitocin (oxytocin) for induction and augmentation: stimulates contractions
    • AROM-Amniotomy: releases prostaglandins
    • Stripping of the membranes: releases prostaglandins
  • Holistic methods
    • Nipple stimulation: oxytocin release
    • Intercourse/orgasm: prostaglandin and oxytocin release
    • Herbs: black cohash and raspberry tea
    • Castor oil/enemas: diarrhea
    • Acupuncture
  • Cervical ripening:
    • Prepidil (dino): gel placed vaginally q 6 hrs, pt. recumbent for 30 min but difficult to remove
    • Cervidil (dino): vag insert-controlled release, pt. recumbent for 2 hrs, easily removed but very expensive
    • Cytotec (miso): tablets vag, PO or sublingual, uterotonic & PPH and least expensive
  • Nursing care with cervical ripening agents:
    • Continuous FHR and UC monitoring
    • Prostaglandins contraindicated for women who had a prior C-section (TOLAC)
    • Potential side effects: tachysystole, category II or III FHR and diarrhea
  • Cervical ripening (mechanical methods)
    • Devices inserted into the cervix to cause dilation and prostaglandin release
    • Potential side effects: less tachysystole, increased risk for infection and PROM
    • Ballon (foley) catheter: causes pressure on cervix & lower uterine segments and left in place for 6-12 hours
    • Laminaria (seaweed), Lamicil and Dilipan: expand/dilate cervix like a tampon
  • Oxytocin (Pitocin)
    • Adverse reactions: tachysystole or excessive uterine activity, maternal fluid retention and water intoxication
    • Used for: induction, augmentation, prevent/treat PPH
    • Dose is much HIGHER for PPH (10-40 units) compared to 1-20 mU for induction/augmentation
    • Nursing care: Goal (3 contractions/10 minutes lasting 40-60 seconds), tachysystole (6 or more cx in 10 min), careful titration of dose!!!!!, continuous FHR, VS every 2 hr, resting tone of uterus, watch for fluid retention
  • Nursing care for tachysystole
    • 6 or more contractions in 10 minutes
    • Contractions lasting greater than 2 minutes
    • Uterine resting tone greater than 20 mmHg
    • Interventions: decrease OR discontinue Pitocin, reposition, IV fluid bolus, O2, notify, and administer terbutaline
  • Episiotomy
    -Surgical incision of the perineal body to enlarge the outlet
    Shoulder dystocia, breech presentation, forceps or vacuum extraction, OP
    3rd or 4th degree laceration, increased blood loss, infection, postpartum pain and dyspareunia
    -Nursing care:
    Pain control, position, natural pushing, perineal massage, warm compress, counter pressure, mineral oil, ice pack, analgesic spray, pericare, sitz baths after 24 hrs and Kegel exercises.
  • Instrument assisted (operative vaginal) deliveries:
    Maternal (heart disease, pulmonary edema, infection, exhaustion, regional anesthesia, elective), prolonged 2nd stage, and Fetal (OP, distress/non-reassuring fetal testing and premature placental separation)
    Maternal (lacerations 3rd or 4th, bleeding, bruising, and perineal edema) & Fetal (ecchymosis/edema/marks, caput succedaneum/cephalhematoma/hyperbilirubienmia-vacuum and transient facial paralysis- forceps)
  • C-section
    -Atelectasis/pneumonia, wound/endometritis, DVT/pulmonary emboli, PPH
    Nursing care:
    -NPO, Foley, IV fluid pre-load, VS, SCDs and antibiotics prior to surgery
  • Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
    • Risk for uterine rupture
    • Requires low transverse uterine incision
    • Prostaglandins are not used to ripen cervix