Central to work and how work is organized to produce results
Rosario-Braid: 'Communication is essential to productivity improvement'
Organizational Communication and Internal Communication
A branch of communication studies that is interested in the convergence between communication processes and organizational behavior
Branches of Organizational Communication
Internal communication
External communication
Marketing communication
Laswell's Model of Communication
Presents the basic elements of the communication process: Who? Says what? Through which channel? To whom? With what effect?
Types of message content in the workplace
Task-related content
Content and information on anything that achieves the organization's goals and functions
Innovation-related content
Communication about new ideas
Maintenance-related content
Information used for the development and maintenance of human relationships
For Filipino workers, the convergence of task-related (work and career) and maintenance-related (personal relationships) has always been blurred
Collectivist cultures
Manifest "emotional dependence" on the company they work for, find it more socially acceptable or comfortable to consider other people's thoughts or ideas when making decisions
The personal usually invades the professional sphere in collectivist cultures
Effective leaders in the Philippines
Those who are less impersonal and allow for opportunities for non-professional interaction
Directions of communication in organizations
Vertical (downward and upward)
The Philippines ranks very high in power distance
Filipinos are generally more comfortable in communicating with their subordinates and co-workers compared to their boss
Younger workers in the Philippines tend to favor greater participation and decision-making in the workplace
Consensus-seeking in the Philippines
Pagsasang-guni, paghihikayat, pagkakasundo
Communication channels
Mediated (technology-assisted)
Filipinos are more comfortable engaging in face-to-face communication
Mediated communication
Involves technology-assisted communication, often an attempt to approximate the characteristics of face-to-face interaction and provide immediate responses
There has been a rapid increase in the use of audio-video teleconferencing, MIS, the Internet, and mobile communications in Philippine organizations
The use of Intranet systems and support systems via MIS had been crucial in communicating organizational vision among its members in Philippine organizations
Benefits of ICT use in organizations
Increased efficiency of communication of work-related matters
Facilitated search and dissemination of information
Increased productivity and efficiency
Improvements in organizational learning, innovation, decision-making, and coordination
Less stressful customer relations communication
Challenges and pitfalls of ICT use in organizations
Difficulties in getting points across, especially in teleconferencing
Challenges in variations in pronunciation and cultural differences
Delays in the delivery of information
Distraction from performing organizational tasks
Privacy concerns over monitoring and control
The digital divide and imbalance in technological progress
Distractions from social media
Modes of communication in organizations
Written (memoranda, internal correspondence, minutes of meetings, press releases, business letters, job advertisements)
Filipinos are comfortable giving public speeches or presentations in formal circles, and consider voice calls more appropriate for business or work communication
Communication styles
Filipinos are more comfortable using an informal style of written communication compared to formal email or letters
Filipinos utilize the formal style when having meetings and giving presentations, but prefer the informal style for communication with peers
Grapevine or the rumor mill
The act of rumor mongering
Maintaining a transparent and "open communication policy" in the workplace is a good way of preventing the practice of rumor mongering
When what you see is not exactly what you get, used for social maintenance, social calibration, and the exercise of power
The indirect style of communication generally guides the persuasive approach in communicating wants and needs in the Philippines
Media Richness Theory
Organizational members are encouraged to use the most appropriate medium based on the level of complexity of their messages
Adaptive Structuration Theory
Focuses on the generation of communicationrules and resources that shape the group and its decisions
Cultural Approach to Organizations Theory
Organizational members continue to engage in developing shared meanings of various aspects of organizational life, and managers must understand the distinct cultural nuances of the organizations they represent
A mode of thinking where people in a cohesive in-group strive for unanimity, overriding their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action
Network Theory
Helpful to managers interested in howmessages are communicatedoutside the officialchannels, and the critical issue of privacy