wordentry- listed alpabetically, show how word is spelled and how words of more than one syllable is divided.
pronounciation- has symblos to show how to say words
part of speech- label gives the functions of a word
relatedforms- such as plurals, or comparative forms are given
multipledefinition- meanings are numbered
illustrativesentence- phase shows how a word is used
ethymology-word history, tells origin of a word
accent- shows which syllables are said with special force
synonym study- shows shades of meaning
homograph- spelled the same as another word but a has a different origin and meaning
introduction- serves the purpose of leading the reader from a general subject area to a particular field of research.
the basic purpose of research paper is to ____
the first step on writing research paper is to___
choose a subject
a good research topic is one that is___
interest of the researcher
Quantitativeresearch- describes, infers, and resolves problems using numbers. Emphasis is placed on the collection of numerical data, the summary of those data and the drawing of inferences from the data.
Qualitative research,- is based on words, feelings, emotions, sounds and other non-numerical and unquantifiable elements
This research term provides a tentative explanation or answer for a phenomenon under investigation
. hypothesis
It is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information in order to increase our understanding of the information of the phenomenon which are of concern or interest.
It is a term used in research that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea.
It is an organized body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon.
It is a term in research called as any quality of person, group subject event, condition or emotion that varies or takes on different values.
This is a part of research that consists of assumptions, hypothesis, definitions, or a synthesis of a set of theories serving as the theoretical backbone of the investigation.
Theoretical Framework
This part of the research paper tells the purpose and importance of the research.
gap of the problem
This section of the research focuses only on results that are related to the research or problem.
It uses a style or format to cue authors where it supports the background of the study of your research
literature cited
All the tools used in the research should be seen in this part.
This design of a qualitative method focuses on the experiment/s that are a part of the variables.
It is a problem that needs to be solved through research.
gap of the study
it refers to the definition of a word as used in a particular field like Science, Law, or Engineering. the definition of terms/words are found in the dictionary.
it is a result of the process of operationalization and it is used to define something (term/object) in terms of process. - it is the process of defining a word/term of how it is used in a sentence, or using context clues.