A process that results in changes in the genetic material of a population over time
Reflects the adaptions of organisms to their changing environments and can result in altered genes, novel traits, and new species
Aristotle; 350BCE
Species are identical. They tend to remain the same species and can be arranged hierarchically
George-Louis Leclerc, ComtedeBuffon; AD1749
As species change, they migrate to another environment resulting in their distribution
Charles Darwin; 1974
Species evolved from one common ancestor
JeanBaptisteLamarc; 1809
Species evolved from an existing species through environmental process. Traits can be passed to the next generation
CharlesLyell; 1830
All changes in the environment are uniform and gradual
Alfred Russel Wallace; 1859
Species evolved from the process of natural selection which cause variation within the population
Sometimes called theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristic or "soft inheritance"; JeanBaptisteLamarck
TheoryofAcquired Characteristic
Holds that an organism experiencing a modification can transmit such a character to its offspring; JeanBaptisteLamarck
Parts of the organism that is regularly used will undergo hypertrophy and will be developed; JeanBaptisteLamarck
Theory of Need
Changes in the environment can arise to new needs, required for species' survival; JeanBaptisteLamarck
Descendedwithmodification - species has descended and change over time; CharlesDarwin
Proposed by Charles Darwin which mean organisms adapt to its environment and survive
Process through which population of living organisms adapt and change
Identification of desirable traits by human to perpetuate it to future generations
Gene flow
Introduction of genetic material (by interbreeding) from one population of species to another
Genetic drift
The frequency of a trait changes by chance randomly
Genes are damaged of changed that alter the DNA sequence
Fossil record
Different traces or remains of an organism changed over time and preserved by natural processes
Artificial selection
Species variation occurred through mutation and sexual reproduction, but humans select features that are beneficial
Geographic distribution
Organisms that are closely related yet different species live in different geographic locations evolved similarly and adapt to some environment
Geographic distribution
Organisms from a prior geographic region that were closely related but different species travelled into surrounding habitats and evolved in these far apart geographic regions
Different organisms' structure evolve from a common ancestor
Structures in various species evolved independently yet serve the same or similar functions
Vestigial organ
Physical and behavioral characteristic of organisms that have no longer used over time
Embryos of vertebrates develop in the same way
Human embryo has a tail at the 4th week which disappears during the 8th week
Pharyngealpouches become gills in fish, parts of throat/ears in humans