
Cards (10)

  • Incarnation
    God taking on human form
  • Jesus' Birth
    1. Mary betrothed to Joseph
    2. Mary found to be with child from the Holy Spirit
    3. Joseph resolved to divorce Mary quietly
    4. Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream
    5. Angel told Joseph that Mary conceived from the Holy Spirit
    6. Angel told Joseph to name the child Jesus
    7. Joseph did as the angel said
  • Matthew traces Jesus' ancestry to Abraham
  • Visitors from the East

    1. Wise men asked "Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?"
    2. Herod gathered chief priests and scribes to find where the Christ was to be born
    3. Wise men rejoiced when they saw the star
    4. Wise men fell down and worshipped Jesus, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
    5. Wise men warned in a dream not to return to Herod
  • Gold
    Represents Jesus' royalty as ruler of the Kingdom of God
  • Frankincense
    Resin taken from a tree and burned for its smell during Temple worship, represents Jesus' role as priest
  • Myrrh
    Oil used to anoint the dead, represents Jesus' humanity and death
  • The flight to Egypt
    1. Angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt
    2. Fulfils prophecy "Out of Egypt I call my son"
    3. Herod killed all male children in Bethlehem and surrounding region two years old and under
  • Ministry of John the Baptist
    1. John came preaching in the wilderness of Judea
    2. John wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt, and ate locusts and wild honey
    3. John was baptizing people in the River Jordan
    4. John said he baptizes with water but the one coming after him will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire
  • The baptism of Jesus
    1. Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John
    2. John said he needed to be baptized by Jesus
    3. Jesus was baptized and the heavens were opened, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and rested on him
    4. A voice from heaven said "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased"