myotome is muscle group supplied by the same spinal nerve
LMN lesions only need referral to GP if symptoms are severe e.g. no sensation at all
but if symptoms have come on rapidly, its an instant referral to A+E
Types of referred pain - somatic referred pain vs radicular pain:
both are symptoms and both require a neuro integrity test to be done
radicular pain is neuropathic - sharp shooting pain, burning, usually part of a dermatome
somatic refereed pain - nociceptive pain - inflammatory mediators setting off nociceptors, the nerve in the area and surrounding nerves converge in a direction , so the brain interprets the whole area of being painful. Dull achey pain
is a diagnosis (not a symptoms like radicular pain and somatic referred pain)
interference in conduction of a nerve, so nerve isnt functioning as it should
is what were testing for in neuro integrity exams - altered sensations, hypoactivity
can happen with or without radicular pain
If patient doesnt get better:
revaluate and reflect
is patient doing exercise, why not, are our exercises good enough, is our diagnosis right